Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Case of the Missing Blind Spots

"What if I told all of you that you're partially blind? That right now, you think you're seeing the world as it truly is but in actuality you're missing something. Every time we open our eyes, light shines on our retina, and nerve cells called photoreceptors interpret the light and transmits the information to our brain, and that's how we see. But there is a small area on the retinas where there are no photoreceptors. This is called a scotoma, and it is present in the fields of vision of all normal eyes. Since we all have them, how is it that we never notice a black area in our field of vision? The reason you never notice your blind spot is because your brain is great at guessing what should be there, and automatically filling in the blanks. Sometimes we know what we want to see and our neocortex turns that expectation into a kind of virtual reality, which means that some of the world we see is really just an illusion; a scary thought when you realize how vulnerable that makes us. So how do we uncover our blind spots? How do we ever fully see the truth that is right in front of our eyes? Well, a good place to start is simply to open your mind. Because as Henri Bergson said, 'the eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend'".

Now, the above is certainly interesting, and many already know about it, but what is more interesting - and which many fewer even suspect - is that a similar thing is going on (or NOT going on) inside our neural network of thoughts and ideas and beliefs about ourselves and the world. This can be easily seen while reading what other people have to say about certain "non-ordinary" subjects (of the intangible, thought-centric world, none of which can be touched - as distinct from the tangible, object-centric world, we all can touch if close enough), and then attempting to discuss them, especially with the one who first wrote them, but also with others. There are huge blind spots, or gaps in our capacity to understand what other people mean to say, and even what we personally mean to say. In general, everyone is pretty much "in the dark" as to all human thought about "non-ordinary" subjects.

Obviously, the Goal or Aim for one is not necessarily to be completely understood in every detail by other people, or even to completely understand every detail from others, but to be able to fully communicate that which one wishes to communicate to those one wishes to hear and understand it. All the rest (the great majority, usually) will never understand and that is just the way it is on this planet.

Firmly held beliefs, thoughts, ideas, that have stopped forward movement, and have thus become hard-to-impossible to "upgrade", are just those blind spots in one, making the job of understanding oneself and others virtually impossible. The blind spots act as barriers in one's attempt to hear and think something New! 

It also makes the following notion very difficult to fully comprehend, and even more difficult to actualize. To wit:  "A body (of thought) at rest, tends to stay at rest; A body (of thought) in motion, tends to stay in motion." The secret idea is this: "Keeping Energy In Focus, It Remains In Transit." One should be able to feel the energy of this going straight up the spine (into the "HENS house") as if it were a steel hard rod straight into the center of the brain.

The only true journey lies in a Vertical direction, 
and that is possible only when you are in focus. 

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