HENS are egg-producers - for creating "A New Life"
Roosters merely facilitate that end... oh, and Wake People Up (often, when they don't want to be!)
Now for the explanation for those who might need it.
"Higher Ends of the Nervous System" are for creating "A New Life"
Roosters (you) merely facilitate that end... if you learn to Wake Yourself Up (often, even when you don't want to be!)
Hopefully that clears up any confusion.
If not, here's the rest of the "bit":
Everyone is born with all the parts necessary for transforming and transcending their "self", due to the fact that our nervous system is Open Ended, rather than Closed Ended as are all other life forms here. As long as a person has the equipment - sex parts, body parts, brain parts, and they are functioning reasonably normally, like the middle of the bell curve of humanity in that time and place - any individual should be able to "do the Work", that is actually more Fun than almost everything else going on in this part of the solar system (even physical orgasmic sex as you usually know it), but you'll definitely have to VERIFY that for yourself! NO ONE can prove this to ANY ONE!
The Higher Ends of the Nervous System (which need no quotation marks for those who've experienced them - for the rest, they are just words, more words) are dormant in almost everyone alive today, period. In the others, they are active every day, or more often than that, and the idea that they "go to sleep" for days, weeks, months, years is so intolerable a notion, that they will do What Is Necessary to reverse that slip-sliding-away that the rest of humanity seems NOT to notice, or even care about, preferring to watch TV, news media, entertainment media, Internet silliness, and all manner of other inane diversions the masses so love to consume by the buckets, so as to think and feel what Everyone Else thinks and feels, and thus to NOT EXPERIENCE the "Higher Ends of the Nervous System" (note the quotation marks again.)
One smallish example we can all recognize from the lower realms of our collective nervousness: "Likes and Dislikes" (especially the latter) about the "World we perceive out there and in here."
For example, and there are hundreds more easily seen: just Look Around without blinders on...
I Don't Like:
- poverty, greed and war
- violence, murder and rape
- destruction of the natural beauty that yet endures
- that children grow up without love and tenderness
- that animals suffer at our hands
- religious dogma
- that technology and medicine are not available for everyone
- a lot of what is considered normal and inevitable in our world...
Of course not. These are human dislikes only, they flow unrestricted through the masses, and rightfully so - it keeps them quite asleep to what's really going on!
What the Higher Ends of the Nervous System are all about, is Understanding things as they are, NOT always Misunderstanding them, feeling badly about them, and then naming them, and then expressing those partially-perceived and scarcely understood feelings about them, and many more things that are "dead giveaways" to those who are beginning to correctly understand what it means to be Alive in a HUMAN life form.
There is simply no reason for anyone to be a living conduit for these negative and quite toxic views, which is why the idea of transformation and transcendence were invented. They MEAN something to those in whom they MEAN something, and mean nothing whatsoever to the rest. Either you get that, or you don't.
Final sweep of this tableau (picking up the crumbs, so to speak): People (all and everywhere): You've simply got to Lighten Up, and for sorta the same reason that a large balloon will go NO WHERE but down, down, down into a heaping pile of refuse if it doesn't Lighten Up, with some certain molecules which are lighter than the average bunch circumnavigating this globe of ours.
Hint: your head is that globe of yours - treat it well, time's running out, tick tock tick tock. The Lighter Molecules must be created by you, with an AIM, so as to reverse the mechanical daily backsliding, that is being quite asleep to all and everything.
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