Monday, March 10, 2014

The Universal Reminding Factor

People nowadays look around at other people, listen to other people, and wonder something like: "What the hell is going here? People are crazy, strange, weird, nuts, broken, damaged, angry, brutes, criminals, barbarians!?!?" (And lots of other negatively-tinged terms that are unnecessary to mention here in mixed company.) And, they are not wrong when you think about it superficially, simplistically, without Reason.

Are people really all those things mentioned above, or have they merely forgotten something - something so very important, so very necessary and essential for life itself - and that constant and continual forgetfulness has "made them" such that they always "revert to their mean", and in the case of humans, their "mean" has two significant 'mean'ings (heh, heh, heh, he just added a third.)

What is the default position of all humans - their "MEAN"? Simply, "Caveman Brutishness": looking out only for oneself, taken to the extreme in any generation. That is, being MEAN... to others and oneself, even as they imagine they are acting rightly... and with a very, long and slow ascent through history towards what might be called, "perfection".  This is where humanity is today - even after tens of thousands of years - at the "mean of his generation", still being and acting MEAN like everyone else, without even thinking about it. It is the Reptilian Brain, cloaked in a human suit and all grown up physically, but not - or almost never - emotionally, and still miles and miles away from anything that could be called intelligently.

This, however it seems or appears, is NOT anybody's fault. That is, no one can interfere with the process as it is unfolding, for it is unfolding too quickly to "get in front of". This is how personality is made after all. Things happen inside and around one at speeds that simply can NOT be tracked by ordinary awareness and consciousness - such as it has developed in most people - and as such, reactions occur from the reptilian brain primarily, and usually stop there, but sometimes rise to the limbic part of the brain that is underdeveloped to say the least - still very childISH (not childLIKE) - and only very rarely do they rise to the neocortex. Results - personality, the good and the evil - will vary widely and dramatically.

Now, we have seven+ billion "crazy people" - at various ages, backgrounds, and educational levels - running around this planet with nary a clue as to how they got here, why they arrived in the first place, where they might be going, and when - if ever - they will be checking out, given all the similarly "crazy" ideas and theories from religion and elsewhere that pollute the growing brain from childhood, making anything like "Objective Reason" far, FAR AWAY, and not in the cards - most likely - for humanity at large... certainly not in our life times. For oneSELF, well, that is another matter...

And, here it comes: The Universal Reminding Factor: One's own "self", reacting in the world. It's in your face all the time. You can see it, feel it, hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it. You can't forget your "self", anymore than you could forget a properly delivered Death Sentence from the ONE who can and will make it happen (Life). You can only forget that you continually forget yourself, and therein lies all the problems of mankind, who like Sisyphus is doomed to push and climb (be continually distracted by the "world out there"), but never gets off the mountain.

But he can still be Conscious, Happy, even Blissful 
in his realizations up and down the path.
 (Achieving Enlightenment) 

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