Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Common Feature

The Common Feature of all humans alive today is that they don't know:
  • Who or What they are while serving out their forced imprisonment here, 
  • How or Why they arrived in the first place, nor,
  • Where or When they will be, hopefully, checking out."
The Common Feature is that, in general,
  • humans don't really even care about all of that, and  
  • when reminded they turn away, "I don't wanna hear about it!"
Humans are like little lost animals with one built-in skill - mimicry. That is, these cute little lost animals - not knowing themselves as they are in REALITY - acquire personalities of those around them, both those whom they naturally like, AND those whom they naturally dislike. Is it any wonder that humans are such confusing little animals, and is it any wonder they are also quite lost?

"Really? I don't wanna hear about it!"

Humans are born naked into a fully-equipped-for-all-possibilities dressing room of human suits, and are fitted up with one or another suit-of-clothes that make them almost invisible to all the others of their kind - because, naturally, these little lost animals will readily and quite willingly KILL others that are too dissimilar. Can't have that, of course! So, this built-in skill-of-mimicry - both of outer-wear (clothing and styles and fashions), and inner-wear (thoughts and feelings and beliefs) - is their Stand-in-Master (they call it, "Me", and "I" - but you know THAT is just pretense, right?) until the Real Master makes His presence known... if ever... which, unfortunately is NOT very likely (and, you know THAT is true and correct, right?)

Humans prefer to live their entire lives in a "Macro Dream," consisting of billions of interlinked and never-to-be-linked micro-dreams that come and go on their own, governed by rules, laws and forces totally outside their knowledge and understanding, because, as "bad" (weird, strange, confusing, terrifying, upsetting, etc.) as those dreams can seem to be at times - even while "wide awake and a-walking" - they are apparently MUCH BETTER by a long shot than making the kinds of necessary efforts, over a long period of time, to find out the, "eeek!" Truth of the Matter!

Humans are lost in their dreams. And anyone who continues to push that notion upon them is considered to be an outcast in the "human family" of cute little lost animals. Therefore, even if one KNOWS how to break the stream-of-dreams that plague humanity, one should - one MUST - keep it to themselves under harsh penalty (which is necessarily self-invented and self-applied), but this is yet another in the long list of Universal Reminding Factors brought here recently.

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