Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Good Luck, or Good Smarts?

It is queried: 
"Would you rather be very lucky or very smart?" 
(you have to pick one)

Here's one take regarding the kinds of things discussed here: 
You simply can NOT discount "good luck." 

Some people who "get involved" with this sort of thing - by whatever name it goes, if it even has a name - are just not "lucky", and that seems so clear. They may be smart enough - book smart, google smart, even street smart - but, they continue making the same mistakes over and over, thinking incorrectly, feeling inappropriately and reacting negatively to all the opportunities, BIG and small, Life presents everybody, and then they just fall away, never to be heard from again. Coming back to oneself - coming to, as it were - is hard enough without some exceedingly good luck.

Some people have what might be called by others, a "charmed life", in that they met and were "friends" (if not actually Friends of the Essence kind) with several people, from a young age, who nudged, pushed, advised, directed, scolded, prodded, and performed various other actions that resulted in their Finding the Real - or, "touching the miraculous" - before they might have done otherwise (if at all), had those "friends" never appeared in their life... although, of course, that can NOT be proved, so it just remains a feeling... and a set of strong memories as well.

From one point of view, you have got to BE such a friend first, in order to FIND such a friend later, and then you have got to continually IMPROVE yourself to find others - and that means, improving your essential qualities, which today in our modern world means, of thought and feeling (thinking, speaking and even writing.)

Everybody does NOT need to do this kind of thing, 
but it wouldn't hurt, and that's a fact Jack.

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