But, in the area of The Great Exploration - which has too many names to recount here, but should evoke in the reader a sense of something "beyond ordinary worldly matters", like those found out there in the world - it is actually impossible to learn from others. Generally, one does not learn anything about The Great Exploration from others. Generally, one must DISCOVER all aspects of the quest, and then attempt, albeit quite ineptly for a long time, to TEACH others - usually close and dear friends, but not necessarily - what to AVOID, what mileposts are and how to recognize them, what pitfalls are and how to keep oneself alert enough so that they can be properly dealt with just in time.
Generally, regarding The Great Exploration, all is TEACHING - from the one who knows something, to the one or more who wants to know it. Unless they want to know it, they can (generally) NEVER KNOW IT... period. There must not be any mechanical barriers to understanding new things, hearing new ideas, seeing new images, sensing new impressions, lest none of it passes the built-in barriers which are part of one's DNA.
That is, we - as we are born - are not MEANT to see, feel, sense, experience, think, know, understand anything at all about The Great Exploration, for if our basic genetic makeup was already so aligned with the All and Everything, there would be nothing left to do here, but move on to the next world only to "begin anew."
Clearly, we are all here now, so there is something left to do before we move on the next world, but WHAT? We are all here now, and for just long enough - several decades or more - to catch wind of something blowing through this world that is not OF THIS WORLD, but is a hint, a scent, of ANOTHER WORLD. Some call them "higher worlds", "parallel worlds", "hyperspatial worlds", "higher dimensions", and many other scientific and not-so-scientific terms, but in any case, once the wind is caught by someone, it's like a thick smell of something so sweet it can't be forgotten, yet it clearly contains "notes" (over- , under-, inner-, outer-tones) of something dark, sinister, dangerous, scary, strange, bizarre, and many other terms that can't even be named. In any case, this wind is now compelling one to delve deeper and deeper into the mystery that never goes away and is never solved.
The Onion is a perfect example and many have used it. Layers upon layers upon layers. The deeper one goes, the more layers are pierced through revealing the next exploration, leading to yet another layer. Good luck with all that, because there is absolutely nobody out there that is going to help you, or instruct you, or teach you what to do or how to do it. Only you can TEACH others what you are doing, even as you KNOW - deep down to your core - that you can never succeed at that. Yet, you must continue.
Thank goodness we have the Internet is all I can say, for it alone has transformed this planet and our species in ways that hundreds of thousands of years never did, and in only the last 75 years! Our brains, our minds, have so evolved that thinking, talking, and writing have become our Primary Activity in life. My advice to one and all - but always to myself first and only - is to find a small, willing group of friends, near and far, and develop a regular online meeting schedule with them, and start Working in real time to TEACH.
It's magical when it works,
even as it is terribly uncomfortable
for one and all most of the time.
"All you need are the three bones: the Wishbone, the Jawbone, and the Backbone."
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