Saturday, August 10, 2013

Getting Small

Disclaimer: This entire website is not about finding drugs, taking drugs, or making drugs. Well... except for one drug - for fun - and maybe you've heard of it, it's a new thing, I don't know if you have or not. It's a new thing, it makes you small.
About this big. 

"I'm on drugs. I'm, uh, I mean, you know what it is. What's the deal, man? I like to get small. It's a wild, wild drug. Very dangerous for kids though, because they get really small.... And, you know, I'll be home, sitting with my friends, and, uh.. we'll be sitting around, and somebody will say, 'Heeeyyy.. let's get small!' So, you know, we get small, and uh.. the only bad thing is if some tall people come over. You're walking around going, 'Ah hahaha..!' Now, I know I shouldn't get small when I'm driving.. but I was driving around the other day, and I said, 'What the heck?' You know? So I'm driving like.. [ reaching up to a giant steering wheel ]

And, uh.. a cop pulls me over. And he makes me get out, he looks at me and he says, 'Heyyy.. are you small'? I said, 'No-o-o! I'm tall, I'm tall!' He said, 'Well, I'm gonna have to measure you.' They have this little test they give you - they give you a balloon.. and if you can get inside of it, they know you're small.' And they can't put you in a regular cell, because you walk right out."

Immediately after this show,
you should go out..

With many inspirational thanks and tiny edits to Mr. Steve - Banjo Man - Martin, a "wild and crazy guy!"
SNL - Season 2: Episode 14

ps - lest anyone try to suggest that Mr. Banjo Man invented the "getting small" concept, and we here are just "ripping him off", KNOCK IT OFF. Just because YOU haven't been around the block on bare horseback, in a really cool rodeo, does NOT mean we haven't. So... Wake UP as some might say. It goes back a long way before that! Earlier than '67, February, 18th at least, because we were already using it - with understanding, and personal ecstatic experience - about psychedelics, acid, mushrooms, DMT, ayahuasca, etc. And we - my Friends, "my kinda guys (and some gals)" - were using it in our conversations ever since, creating, and revealing, and expanding, and concealing ever new and surprising (thought) forms with which to "hitch a ride with The Light" at the end of the tunnel. (i.e., Not miss the damn train we were patiently awaiting for all these years.)

And not only that, and on regular occasions,
we were all getting

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