Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Teaching by example

All of life on Earth teaches by example, from birds to bees and all the rest with the sole exception being humans. Humans can just barely teach by example, so to fill in the gap, they developed/evolved language. But, even with all that, although the rest of life on this planet is very successful passing on what is necessary to those coming up from behind, humans don't pass on what is necessary to others of their kind - especially children - except in very rare cases. At best, usually, they can hardly even teach themselves, and so most of the time cause more confusion in others and themselves than they ever alleviate.

What is scarcely known by the masses, and just barely even by the few of the few, is that the loss of the ability to teach by example is precisely what allowed the rapid - and it was exceedingly rapid compared to the rest of the life forms here - evolution of those parts of the brain that learn and use coherent language. Humans lost one powerful ability but gained an even greater ability - exponentially greater - so that they became masters of this planet in just a few short years, perhaps just a couple thousand.

Do you know what this kind of accelerated evolution means for us humans today? Hmmm? By giving up something, on purpose, intentionally, we might acquire - which means ACTIVATE - another part of the nervous system that can experience Reality much more directly, if not actually directly. Call it the "Direct Way" if you need a hook to hang you hat upon. Now, what do you imagine that "something" might be that one must intentionally "give up", so as to allow higher energies to flow freely into those presently un-activated areas? Hmmm?

Well, don't look for answers here because if you don't already KNOW, then very likely you will NEVER KNOW. It's the math and physics of the situation, and humans are wholly embedded therein... that being their "problem" without available solution. You see, Life does not NEED everyone to acquire these "higher capabilities", just a few, and because of the way Life has constructed humans, the few are already "seeded" with the senses - or "extended senses" - necessary to shift the balance from "not possessing" at all, to fully possessing it all.

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