Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Consciousness Is Everything"

But what do those words even mean?!?

Three little words, not unlike those other three little words people so enjoy hearing and saying ("I love you") and perhaps even the same as, but on another level, eh? Just "in another context."

So, perhaps consciousness (everything) is a "shifting of frames." Whereas the "lack of consciousness" (some call "sleep") is being STUCK in only one frame and locked in sequential time, "being in consciousness" (some call "awake") is being UNSTUCK from any frame and experiencing non-sequential time - seamlessness - and thus able to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell other frames simultaneously. Some call this, "relativity", or "higher being bodies", but let's go with "getting unstuck" for the sake of discussion.

HOW TO? Ah yes, that damn question that keeps tapping one on the shoulder - hasn't it caused bruises by now? - forcing the one tapped to remember their existence (if only for an instant, without thought) in the equation: I + Not-I = Everything. Without such (as close to continual as possible) remembering/realizing, there are just disembodied, fragmented, sequential thoughts, each without the force and power of raw emotion and heightened sensation, and thus all but worthless.

See the problem here?
"I (is the same as) consciousness."
"You (is the same as) love."
"Everything (is the same as) Everything."
See the problem here?

One can not approach ANY OF THIS via words alone, and their supposed definitions, for there ARE NONE. Everything is Everything.

The problem here, is that you (people) can not remember this, moment by moment, and this fracturing of one's essential being into millions of randomly arising "I's" (which themselves have no sensation, no power, no force, and no useful definition), which perforce makes gathering oneself back together more difficult than herding cats (...maybe that's why we have 'em at all... to SEE THAT... and then to "shift frames" from the weirdness of out there, to the desired stability of in here. (Waking up IS LIKE herding cats, but these are cats you can't see, hear, taste, touch, smell, and have wings - jeez!)

"After all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say?" Kitt, the 1982 Pontiac Trans-Am.

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