Monday, February 25, 2013

"Objective Reason"

But what do those words even mean?!?

Two little words, not unlike those other two little words people so enjoy hearing and saying ("Enlightened Mind") and perhaps even the same as, but on another level, eh? Just "in another context."

If it is even possible - Objective Reason, presumed by some to be a state of mind above/beyond simple, ordinary subjective reason common to everyone, yes including you and me - then perhaps it might mean Understanding what's going on with Life on Earth, Mankind in general, and you personally in particular. (Like Russian Dolls, one within another, within another... and so on up the scales.)

That Understanding would necessarily include such "mysteries" as, let's say, "ESP", alien visitations from extra-terrestrials, ghosts and gods appearing in the bedroom, out of body travels to other planes and planets, and even becoming negative to the point of physical illness due to some words written on a webpage by some person you've never even met, you know, stuff like that and so much more I could, but will not mention.

But, again, HOW TO? Ah yes, that damn question that keeps tapping one on the shoulder, leaving one totally at a LOSS of great proportions, yet the brain will always "fill in the void" by making unproven claims, theories, facts, even including certain "Truths of Higher Order", but alas, as always, emptiness pouring into the same void. No wonder people everywhere feel empty, and unfulfilled.

What we have here, is a FAILURE to COMMUNICATE, an achievement that Elephants, Chimpanzees and Crows and so many, MANY other non-humans species achieved for themselves so long ago. Humans talk and talk and talk, yet there is no Real Understanding about anything! Then they argue, criticize, condemn, and sometimes strike out angrily to the point of MURDER (of crazies!)

How do we attain a state of permanent, or very near to objective reason and enlightened mind? Well, have you actually tried this? On a regular basis - which by your active count should have reached at least a couple by now since opening this little message to you - realize that you exist, and are vibrantly alive and well here on Earth in the moment without thought - with valiant effort and recurring inextinguishable intent - and with all the attention and intensity and endurance of which you are capable.

Not like somebody doing grunt work but with quickness and almost predatory opportunism - aliveness and passion - 160 times, today and everyday (about 10 times/hour, each time anew and not just a thought or fantasy - that's only once every five minutes or so, as in reading this message.) Count them, (and do realize for yourself that clusters count as one attempt) and if you do not find some permanence, some real objective reason, some enlightenment, you will at least learn it's co-ordinates.

Think on these things MORE THAN YOU CAN - more than you have to, and certainly more than Mr. Dummy, who always responds to these posts herein with (your version of) "Sheesh, I already know all that, and more", or "Sheesh, I know better so let me tell you all about it", or "Sheesh, that's just crazy!"

ps- Thoughts are tools, in several senses of that word - multi-layered, multi-threaded, long-and-longer threads of consistent meaning and intent - and can be, literally, USED by those whose minds can contain them. Why do you think we gather into small groups on a regular basis and "bullshit" with each other. Only the strong and deft survive, the rest are losers.

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