Wednesday, February 6, 2013

In the beginning, the real beginning, was "The Secret"

That is, that which was known by one was systematically conveyed to all - one by one by one - including you. This Secret was transmitted at a time of its choosing, not yours or anyone's. Today - every "today" since the beginning, the real beginning - everyone knows ABOUT "The Secret", but practically nobody KNOWS "The Secret."

Therefore, although everybody knows ABOUT "The Secret", but can't discuss it, or won't, they become satisfied being one of some named group that SAYS they know "The Secret", even if the Head-Guy doesn't know a damn thing about it. People can be convinced of ANYTHING once told a thing - like "god exists", "angels are looking out for you", "aliens once visited this planet and seeded the population", etc., etc. - and, if there is some NAMED GROUP (across our local time and space) who actually codified their "The Secret", to some extent, and made it available to generations that followed, large groups of people WILL be convinced of it - and two or three is "large enough". (Talk can convince people of ANYTHING once the thing is actually spoken.)

What's of most importance here is that practically EVERYONE believes there is some "The Secret" out there, and given that basic, general acceptance, will STRONGLY desire to know it, and know it well. Then, some people here and there - it never fails - stand up and declare loudly enough so that it can be heard over the NOISE that is the "mind of man" common for that locality, "I KNOW THE SECRET", and "LISTEN UP, I WILL TELL IT TO YOU!" and so, he does.

Well, "The Secret" starts with - written on the wind, the stars, the lakes and rivers, the dust and dirt, and the deep-blue sea - "Nobody knows the secret, and Nobody can tell you or show you how to know the secret." The inference being, you are completely ON YOUR OWN about this, and the best anyone can do is refer to "The Secret", and then quickly pull the carpet out from under anyone who might hear it, so as to leave - at most - a mere impression that, "Hey, wha' happened?!?", but that impression was so deep and wide that they want to return "there" once again, and won't give up trying, since they now know it's a "life and death" Deal they have struck with themselves. Love is for pussies and for most everyone a huge distraction. The Deal can only go down, when "YOU" are not around. The deal can only be done, when "YOU" are no more than... ONE.

ps- you do get that, this bit herein was NOT "The Secret", but a mere reference to it, in words only, only words. The REST is up to you.

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