Friday, February 8, 2013

"Don't talk about Fight Club"

(no, not that fictionalized gang of ruff-n-tuffians looking to make a name for themselves...)

This one:
There is a fight going on minute-by-minute and you know where, though the noise of it only rises to a level that "YOU" actually become aware of it when circumstances are such that the noise can be heard by the conscious part of the brain - you know, that tiny part "that knows and sees all", that "YOU" call "me", and sometimes "I". The "know-it-all" in charge-of-the-moment.

Since everyone lives deeply embedded within this "fight club", the struggle to survive involves lots and lots of talk. There is the useful kind that enables one to get along out there in the relatively important physical world - pay bills, buy foods, take baths, fill out forms, create lists, and appear almost sane and smart to other people - and the not-so-useful kind that keeps one quite asleep and as clueless as yesterday about the vastly more important internal world - arguing over the meanings of words, conspiracies, life-after-death, gods, devils, angels, ghosts, aliens, etc., and do they or do they NOT exist - and since each yesterday is qualitatively approximately the same as the one before, well, how is tomorrow going to be any different? (And, does "tomorrow" even exist?) Guess what, it isn't going to be any different, and it may not even actually exist! In general, everywhere, people are just as bad (dumb and stupid and clumsy and asleep) as were people thousands of years ago, only about different matters, and most of the same ones.

So, what's all this talk about "Don't talk about it" actually mean, and in what ways can this one simple "task" (if one discovers HOW to accept it for oneself - NOT as easy as you might think) make every tomorrow qualitatively better than the one before? Ah, there it is. (The meaningless question, that is.)

There is a substantive difference between KNOWING and THINKING-ABOUT-SOMETHING (which is just another way to suggest ACTION and thinking-about-action), and isn't this what the "fight club" (of "I's", "me's", each calling themselves "MYSELF") does all day long (thinking-about-stuff)? I.e., "I's" talking at/to/with other "I's", fighting the same battles, struggling with the same pseudo-questions of presumed importance, day-after-day for decades.

And, hopefully, you DO GET that the "fight club" referred to herein (that dare not be mentioned) is YOU, all those dueling "I's" seeking momentary, transient, supremacy. And, that nothing - NOTHING - keeps one's potentially ascendant spirit chained to the concrete floor of the dungeon, wherein one carries on these interminably inane conversations with oneself ("I's" dueling "I's", to some imaginary, though quite presumed, "death", that is no "death" of course, as "I's" have the power of re-incarnation; no, not "re-in-car-nation", but coming back again, even after months or years or more.)

Finally - at least this time (thanks be to the Big Guy) - some may realize that all of this is about "anecdotalizing" one's life (and the esoteric "need" to cease that activity once and for all time), which means "hanging onto stories about yourself" and then willfully repeating them back to yourself and to others (so you don't FORGET THEM, and so you don't TRANSCEND "who and what you are"). NOBODY repeats stories they don't remember, or value enough to repeat - they usually just fall away like so much dead skin in the morning shower. If one could free oneself from the "fight club", they would ascend to the status of King of the Kingdom, or better, King of Kings, leaving the "fight clubbers" to waste their time and lives down in the depths of the dark dungeon, he said perhaps overly alliteratively.

ps- there are NO FACTS here, just a mind out of control, on daily spin duty, trying this, trying that, seeing and feeling and sensing (in real time) what "works".

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