Monday, February 11, 2013


The only "sin", which is not the only appropriate word here, is to mistake Entertainment for Seriousness.

There are hundreds if not thousands of directions one can go, in order to pursue/acquire the holy grail, or locate/enter shangri-la, and they are all without exception interesting pastimes for genetically-motivated explorers/travelers, but when they are pursued too seriously, "as if their lives depended upon it", one can miss the essence of the experience. People can get so invested in their oh-so-serious pursuits, that small, inconsequential, even quite silly things can knock them out (of the group of explorers from whom they used to find certain strength.)

Without exception, all directions require movement, from where one presumes/believes one is now (in their head/body/life), to where one presumes/hopes to be in the future (in their head/body/life). Without exception. There is no possibility for arrival anywhere, without the aforementioned movement, and so the mind must conjure for itself, a journey - from "here" to "there".

Without this possibility to think about action that has not yet occurred, one might as well be dead. From this point-of-view, non-humans (animals, insects, plants, etc.) are dead. They don't move from where they are born - they die exactly as they are born. For them, life is serious - from birth till death.

Only humans have the possibility to think about action that has not yet occurred, and that innate capacity exists in one, quite well-known place - in the head, in the cerebral cortex, in the frontal lobes. The only movement possible, whereby one may not die exactly as they are born, is up there, and can occur in only one way - the pushing of energy into virgin, un-yet-populated gray matter. Sounds just a little too clinical for most, yet, only in today's time zone, can it even be stated that way - and only today, can it even be heard, and enjoyed.

Funny, huh?
And Fun, too!
Serious entertainment?
Perhaps it is true.

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