Friday, February 22, 2013

"I want to believe"

Nothing draws people "into the fold" like being told by someone they respect, or even love, that they are now "part of something BIG". Religions and teachings, political movements and parties, revolutionary groups, spiritual sects, and all sorts of other straggly conglomerations of "just people of all kinds, shapes and sizes", all seem to grow in this way. Once there is a center of gravity, an "inner circle" who hover around the leader, more and more will quickly be assimilated into the fold.

Such is the life of "I's" that circulate within the "mind of man". The more one can say about a particular topic, the more they BELIEVE in their topic, and the more they believe in it, the more identified they have become. It is a very slippery slope. Then, it is much harder to move away from that magnetic center, as in "leaving the group". They have become just like Br'er Rabbit, the more Mr. Rabbit fights the Tar-Baby, the more entangled they become.

Desire, "wanting something to be true", "I want to believe!" is the hot center (the chemical flow of blood and hormones, the connection to the blue circuit and the red circuit) that the yellow circuit (thinking center) totally lacks, but needs to gain the power and force that such groups of I's actually require for their little bit of "life", if even only "a taste", it so lacks.

What most people (read: ordinary consciousness) lack as well, due to their mechanical and associative thinking on overdrive (read: formatory apparatus), is the capacity to discern false, fake, and phony from real. They don't know how to question their own thinking about their favorite beliefs, but can only reinforce them at every possible turn. All their thoughts serve the "larger group" (of thoughts - the BELIEF.) Those few people who, let's just say, learned how to question everything, believe NOTHING, never join groups (never get "joined up") - NEVER! Not out there, nor in here. They are, in effect, without a country (read: belief systems consisting of stuff and nonsense that only seems to matter to the MASSES... gods, religions, extra-terrestrial aliens, extra-sensory powers, ghosts, goblins, Santa Clause and the Easter Rabbit... haha, he said "rabbit".)

It is NOT that most people are stupid, and clueless, looking simply to fit in and become "larger by association" (though that certainly is involved.) It is, however, that most people have never actually TASTED the Real - not even once in their lives - which seems to be only possible in times of extreme crisis, and states-of-emergency. (Something I would highly recommend all people "look into.")

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