...in the 21st century Internet-based world, that is...
since it is always changing (inevitably),
generally improving (hopefully), and
probably evolving (to some small degree.)
Is it continually updating your Facebook (Yahoo, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) page, with selfies, photos, and nearly meaningless drivel that only a mother could love?
Is it hooking up with tens of thousands of nameless strangers you will NEVER meet (
nor even share a meal, let alone a face-to-face conversation) who have joined you there to "
share" and "
like" tens, if not hundreds of other people's offerings (while secretly
disliking most of it), while depositing (if you actually do) mostly lame and poorly conceived and composed 1-3 line "
replies", day after day for months, even years?
Oh, sure, there are hundreds of other ways to expend your excess neural energy on the Internet (if you actually must), but since social interaction ("social media," and "talking a lot more than you have to") has captured the most eyeballs in recent years, it is the focus of this particular post.
Check out active user counts chart, at the bottom.
Reading this somewhat arbitrary setup, MOST people's brains will almost immediately jump to their own defense, saying things like: "Well some of that may be true regarding
other people, but
ME -
ME? - hardly, because MY stuff is always superior, and always reaching for the
heights of perception, intelligence and
conscious deliberation."
Well, uh, maybe!
Consider the following: can it really be said that the non-human world of around nine million distinct species (i.e.,
known, for there are probably a lot more than that) that can't even compose a sentence, let alone carry on a simple conversation with you, are
INTELLIGENT in the way humans are
INTELLIGENT? Sure, their instinctive-moving functions have evolved over several millions of years to perform their primary directive: stay alive long enough to successfully replace yourself when you are dead, and a few other secondaries not worth mentioning here - and, of course, that is the same for humans when you come right down to it - but, again, "
What IS Human Life in the 21st century?"
A case can be made, that in EVERY century, there is only a small possibility that our human species will exist at a higher, if not
much higher level of consciousness compared to the previous one, but there is very little difference between the
somewhat "civilized" populations from 2000 years ago - or 1000 years ago, or 500, or even 100 years ago - except for the obvious "evolution" (advancement and proliferation and ubiquity) of technology - that has only been advancing and proliferating for about 250 years, and extremely so in the last 25 years, but with that comes ever more potent ways of killing and controlling larger and larger groups of people. (Side note:
a "god" is a great example of ubiquity: an all-knowing deity that exists in every nook and cranny... which technology is fast becoming.)
So, ask yourself: "In what way am
I, personally, more
INTELLIGENT, more evolved, more conscious, than the people who lived 200 or 2000 years ago? And just because you know more "facts, figures and statistics" than they did (which may even be debatable in some respects), that does
NOT make anyone more
CONSCIOUS. Hey, possibly LESS SO!
So, here we all are again: What IS "
Human Life" today? I suggest it is this, and can ONLY BE this: the conscious attempt (as often and as much as humanly possible) to
change the percentages between the DUMB (stupid) part of the human brain (non-conscious 96% -
which includes the non-activated parts of the brain - in the sense that it
merely actualizes the
Primary directive), and the SMART (intelligent) part of the human brain (conscious 4%, that uses language, and
occasionally-to-quite-often expresses
creativity, discovery and invention - the main
Secondary directives), and to -
as much as one can - "
enlighten the world"
(by increasing the 4, at the expense of the 96), which means
NOTHING to the
DUMB part, and
SMART part. I.E., to
"share the wealth" with as many as possible, so that in the NEXT generation, or century, the world of men exists at a HIGHER LEVEL of consciousness and awareness, than they are only "just barely existing at" today.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the chart~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Active Facebookers have UNITED at 1.5 BILLION so far! One fifth of the whole world! |
Bottom Line for those who care to consider this further: the main
advantage to the Internet generally, and Social Media specifically, is that it draws more and more eyeballs and thus, more and more neurons into the
habit of talking to other people at a distance, and at a level above
simple chit-chat and random worthless and useless running off at the
mouth (humankind's favorite internal, and external activity today.) The Global Internet (which includes WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS) is
becoming conscious and aware, and it's already accumulated nearly 1/4 of
the worlds population of brains. Personally I can't wait for the rest of
this century to unfold, and the next century will be even more amazing.
Below the bottom line: A little known fact of life is that the dumb parts live by "kill or be killed", "eat or be eaten", "survive or DIE" (i.e., increase the 96% at the expense of the 4%) while the smart parts live by "enlighten the self, and the world or DIE" (i.e., increase the 4% at the expense of the 96%.)