Friday, August 21, 2015

"Cold Turkey"

Everybody should know precisely what is meant by this phrase, but we're NOT talking about 'tepid', 'lukewarm', 'room temp', 'warmish', 'half-assed', 'unenthusiastic', 'apathetic', 'halfhearted', 'indifferent', 'subdued', or any other so-so attempt to point to what is being suggested. NO! Cold Turkey, in the sense of "Stop It Now, burn all bridges behind you, and don't wimp out!"

Having gone "C.T." on Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, and Google venues for social-bullshitting, many things have come more clearly INTO FOCUS, than they ever did, or ever could, before Kicking the Habit.

"What?" you ask? Well, that's for me to know and you to find out (as they say, since I have kicked and you haven't,) but here are some hints: 
            Nobody is sitting on the edge of their seats anxiously awaiting your next glowing post (of photo, youtube, or clever one-, or even multi-line witticism), and Everyone takes an "out of sight, out of mind" attitude about this, and very quickly you are forgotten. 
            Another thing: what is much more important than "holding up your end of some inane conversation" on these social venues, is learning to Think Clearly, and be able to convert that Clear Thinking into writing and/or speaking, as you wish. BUT, carrying on back-and-forth chit-chat that starts out weakly and goes nowhere FAST, is never the point of all this Clear Thinking... which, by the way, can't even be done while still ADDICTED. If you don't realize this yet, or argue with it in any way, you are addicted, and the post you surely have NOT been anxiously awaiting is right here -----"The End"

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