Thursday, September 10, 2015

Not this, not that either...

(yes, shades of "neti, neti")

Overcome your addiction to Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo AND all the other venues where you continually dump your stuff and nonsense, ("Who ME? You callin' my enlightened contributions to the global thought stream, stuff and nonsense?") and don't backslide until you experience a sudden urge to take another hit off the "bong" (or whatever your preferred delivery system happens to be,) and STOP! for a instant. If you are quick enough - and this takes practice - see if you can hear that "softer voice" in you that whispers sub-vocally, sub-thoughtfully, even sub-sensorially, "not this, not that either." (You see - but only once you do - the contents of that "bong" is NOT what you say/think/thought/feel or even imagined it was all this time. Get it?)

The taste of this realization is sweet, and in the experience you will wonder how it is you never discovered this Freedom before, which is especially meaningful once you have granted permanent privileges to that "voice" to Be Here, and There, and Everywhere - in everything you think and feel about yourself and the world around you. It is the Freedom to be in two places at once, and like some quantum particle, Know what you are about to do (say, think, feel) before it happens. It is like being able to VISIT the entire planet-of-you-in-the-world, without being observed... or impeded in the flow.
There's another world, unseen, unknown,
while functioning deeply embedded in the fog of war...
uhh make that, life - yeah, that's the ticket!

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