Friday, June 21, 2013

The "believers"

The problem for people "possessed by" a normally functioning brain (and "possessed by" is the right phrase here), is not WHAT they believe in - they can't help it (even though they say they can) - but what they DO because of that. "I believe green people are inferior in every way - they're not much more than mindless beasts - and if any green people move into my neighborhood, they'd better WATCH OUT, that's all I can say!"

Ordinary sleeping people "possessed by" a normally functioning brain can't help WHAT they believe in - gods, angels, benevolent reptiles from other solar systems, unicorns or whatever - because the macro- and micro-forces controlling all of that are completely OUTSIDE their conscious control!

Therefore, the Work - as it has always been known and practiced, from the beginning - is about Consciousness, "Work on Consciousness", and NOT ABOUT thoughts. Beliefs are thoughts, they are NOT conscious in origin nor in manifestation; there is no consciousness involved, just sleep. In sleep they are "created", "stored", "recalled", and shoved into the faces of other sleeping people "possessed by" the same malady.

"If you are one of those kinds of people, you - in my opinion - are Green People, so stay out of my neighborhood if you know what's good for you! We will kill you and then eat all the evidence of the crime." This is the esoteric idea: "You must Kill the world (of "green I's") and Eat the evidence (no lingering residue). Everything "external" to you - including ideas, beliefs, suggestions, directives, commandments, all of it - must be either "allowed to pass without touching you AT ALL!", or if that's impossible for whatever reason, internalized in real time, and not allowed to devolve mechanically (automatically) into mere thought and belief - which is the ordinary result... We have a name for that in my neighborhood - SLEEP.

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