Monday, April 1, 2013

This kind of stuff

Those who read this kind of stuff, think about this kind of stuff, incur a real responsibility that others simply do not have. Interest must lead to Action must lead to Success, or that interest was not worth the mental stimulation once felt. It is then more like spilling one's "seed" on barren earth, than upon fertile fields.

The responsibility is to oneself, of course, not to others. Their work, if it is actually occurring, is their own responsibility to bear, and with their Success - just as with one's own - it raises the level of the world, the consciousness of the world, to meet their own even if they can't perceive any of it. Everything - and every Success - is connected, but that can't be one's motivation. We can't fix, repair, modify, or improve the world unless we first CAN, and DO, fix ourselves.

People nowadays are compelled to interact with other people physically, emotionally and intellectually but not for the reasons they suspect. Generally, any statements made about those presumed reasons are shallow at best, and not even in the right direction at worst. There is an empty place that must be filled, just as the universe abhors a vacuum - and will fill it, does fill it, with potential that may, under the right circumstances Grow and even expand and evolve... into stars, planet, life forms, intelligent species, and even "newly minted gods".

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