Friday, April 12, 2013

Critter comforts, and the "down syndrome"

Unlike all other critters on this planet whose "gifts" (genetically speaking) are always fully matured and utilized from an early age, humans are the only critters born with a special set of "wings" that, in most all of them - okay, 99.99% of them, give or take a few hundred, maybe - NEVER matures into their full genetic expression. Too bad too, because the few who can read this paragraph, let's say, with a "wing-king smile" as they do, are those who can see just how few there actually are out there, perhaps countable on only one hand.

It is a small, small group, and secret too, who learned LONG AGO not to continually shave their backsides morning-till-night, day-after-day, so as to LOOK LIKE the other crippled (shaved) humans with whom they must associate. Yes, the Winged-Kings fly high above the noise and chaos of this world, without negative thoughts and feelings about this world, content to just soar above the fray, but always scanning, looking for others of their kind with whom to "socialize", though up there time and distance are much less relevant than to the ground-bounders nailed to their respective patch of dirt... till it opens up and finally consumes them. Ho-hum, Hu-man.

You see (or not), the thing that defeats them, these hapless humans, is that same special capacity to sprout, that they feel compelled to shave the instant something arises, i.e., so as to feel "comfortable" around the other wingless, flightless ground-bounders. This is "like" a bird, who could never learn to fly because of its built-in, and unfortunately fully-expressed at a very young age, "down syndrome", called in this strange bird-land, "in-grown feathers"; and that is how humans look and sound to the Winged-Kings, like DODO birds... real DODOs... and isn't that interesting?

A whole garden planet full of flightless birds, that when one or another genetic ANOMALY rises up, and starts to sprout his wings, all the rest of the DODOs, clippers in hand, do their number on the guy, zzznip, zzznip. The fact that even ONE GLORIOUS ANOMALY makes it to the treetops, is miraculous, simply miraculous.

Unique among many.
Mysterious beyond belief.
The Phoenix Rising.

1 comment:

  1. So you're suggesting birds with no feathers don't flock together anyway, so it's better to get on with the intentional task/aim to grow them, take wing, and soar the heights?
