The question as to whether it exists at all, and if so in which species, and further in which individuals therein, is one which has been hotly debated by humans for millennia, but it is still an unanswered question - and NOT, a final and absolute STATEMENT this way or that way.
Let's say it does exist, but only in humans, and only in a few people here and there, and only in/under certain circumstances, and then begin to scratch a little deeper.
All life forms on Earth have choices presented to them day by day, but it is always their "instinctive responses" that dictate. End of story. To argue that is simply to go back to step zero, and drop out of this particular inquiry.
Certain life forms on Earth have a degree of intellectual and emotional complexity and sophistication whereby, although their instincts usually rule under all circumstances - and rightfully so, thank you very much Mr. Instinctive Circuit (or we'd have died unnaturally a long time ago) - a few here and there can and do actually "create" choices where none existed - certainly NOT for the masses, nor even for most of the others - and manifest from that new possibility, to Express a Higher Choice (at least, higher for themselves). Such humans are called Enlightened.
Enlightened Humans - and there are only a few, remember; certainly NOT everyone all the time is Enlightened (and rightfully so!) - have the un-natural ability (not available in most until they are Taught something by someone who knows, or Learn it on their own) to CREATE choices and then express their "Freedom to Act" in their own best interest for that time and place. The rest of humanity does not create anything, but only react - time and time again - to their instinctive auto-responses and only THEN do they sometimes "explain themselves", however poorly and sometimes idiotically. Most humans alive today are simple idiots, childish in their reactions and responses to external and internal events. To suggest or even think otherwise is just silly. Look at this world today; wars and threats of wars, famines, crimes of all kinds, and on and on and on. Schoolyard thugs duking it out with others weaker than they are, for millennia. (But again - if you can SEE IT and appreciate this - rightfully so!)
Hence the need for "religions" to act as "higher authority" once the parents kick their children out of the house, and sometimes even sooner when the parents are as childish as their children, as are most parents sorry to say. To look at ordinary Humanity today it might seem that it is devolving, rather than Evolving.
This piece is not about how you - reader - might learn how to Create Choices, but only that the idea of "freedom of choice" MUST EXTEND from that rare ability/talent/skill, called herein, Originality and Creativity in the Emotional and Intellectual circuits, which (ability/talent/skill) as early suggested, is NOT "god-given", but must be Learned somehow, someway, sometime, and it is THAT which Evolves, at the expense of the devolving moving/instinctive circuits which have a very short lifespan... seventy years or so... and then the final resting place... and end of possibilities.
This piece is about the possibility of Learning something you at present have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE about, and if that is incorrect (according to you), then demonstrate it to someone: tell them what you intend to do, and then do it without letting up, no backsliding. It is like acquiring a new "taste for something" - a "something" heretofore unheard of - but this acquisition is on purpose, not by accident. And, perhaps strangely to one who does acquire it, the "something" now "Newly Exists" where before it did not! (Like acquiring a taste, even strong DESIRE, for a particular fruit that NOBODY has even seen, named, located, tasted or enjoyed... but YOU... NOW!)
It is a PROCESS that must be first initiated, and then continuously fueled, and then carefully nurtured until it matures to the degree that it "Stands On Its Own".
THAT is what Evolves, as the rest falls naturally away.
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