Evolution of Intelligence in Humans has apparently HAD to go this way, into the Four Directions, so that a FOCAL POINT can be created in the "brain", which today is called simply, the "mind". Although few if any people argue about the existence of the "brain", many more argue about the existence of "mind". This GAP in people's understanding is what inevitably leads to arguments, disagreements, and even violence, but one will only realize this for oneself, when the FOCAL POINT has been created. Only from that vantage point can the four directions be seen for what they are, what they represent in our evolution of consciousness. Tiny Hint: the nervous system has, in general, four modes of operation called Instinct (tech), Moving (psyche), Emotion (spiritual), Intellect (science), and all four modes of operation are required in real time to KNOW/UNDERSTAND anything under the sun.
Personally, what I do is speak from all "four sides of my mouth" (not just "both" as the saying goes), and this is very hard to hear, read, handle, digest, comprehend, agree with and even criticize - particularly in those operating from only ONE MODE. People are often left with wondering "WTF just happened?" and then their "brain" begins to fill-in the gaps they missed with, usually, mis-information, mis-feeling, and mis-sensation, so that they feel as though they "GOT" nothing at all. "God DAMN him that mutha!" And usually they are quite right - They "GOT" nothing at all.
And that is quite all right with me, you betcha! My purpose in all this is NOT to pull you up or push you down - to see what I'm pointing to, or to keep you from seeing it. No, it is to cause you to make bigger EFFORTS to free the mind, free the mind, and thank your "god" you've Freed Your Mind.
What is being pointed to here - the Focal Point - is where ART resides in one. In a spacetime continuum where technology, psychology, religion/spirituality, and science/evolution branch OUT into the external world where live men who can be relied upon to ARGUE THE SHIT OUT OF IT, which - as indicated here recently - is the Really Good Thing.
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