Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Another day, and another failed opportunity...

...To exercise the *only part* of the organism, or nervous system, or living human being, that has an opportunity to evolve in one life time, since the body proper (flesh, blood, bone, organs, skin, hair - all your guts and gore and gray matter) has NO POSSIBILITIES beyond this life time to Rise Above this life time.

If you do not yet realize - at a deep level of realization, that you can taste and smell - that dragging out old **snapshots** for others to look at, and marvel at your "wonderful life", is just about the most boring thing you can pull on them; see, just ASK them to tell you the truth if you're still unclear about this. These "mini-vacations" from Living Reality - you know:  looking back into the dead past - are almost completely devoid of Life and Energy. They are just wilted, faded, and frayed - not only around the edges but from the inside out - snapshots of places, events and things you were not only NOT THERE FOR, but NOT AWAKE FOR (as proven by the fact you've dragged them out again), so, therefore, a Double Whammy on you!

What all people really want - just ASK them to tell you the truth - is to GO ON THAT VACATION at the time of its first occurring and SEE IT ALL for themselves AT THE TIME, in real time. THAT is what people want... that is what they are made for... to be IN the moment when it undergoes what A. N. Whitehead called "the formality of actually occurring", to actually BE THE OBSERVER, and NOT to be continually dragged OUT of it, which is all most know of their ordinary, run-of-the-mill life they know so very well by now, SEE?

People want, NEED, to be there for the Creation of the new, so they can experience for themselves what that concept signifies (for that *only thing*), since people have absolutely NO CLUE, none at all, even as they argue and disagree until they are blue in the face.

Creators Create the new.
Reporters Repeat the old.
What are you, then?
A repeat of a repeat of a repeat?
Or, the new, Anew, NEW each and every moment.

**snapshots**: an over-arching metaphor for something the nervous system does, and saves for later...
by the *only thing* being discussed herein.

(Blink, and you might miss it!)

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