Monday, April 1, 2013

The Mind Of Man

Ordinary, everyday, routine people - like you, me, and the others out there - don't really have, possess or even have access to, The Mind Of Man. What we have, from birth and very likely till right now even as you are reading this, is "thinking and feeling" with a bit of a twist, controlled for the most part by continuously moving fluids throughout the organism - blood, hormones, neuropeptides, etc. - all of which colorizes the "thinking and feeling".

But The Mind Of Man... not even close.

"thinking and feeling" is what is going on in all people right now (who are not tragically brain-damaged), as they casually and without foresight spin their lives into their own "personal grave site", one missed moment at a time, while capturing, saving, and even better UTILIZING, almost nothing of the higher bits that were always possible to get from those fluids (both bio-chemical and neuro-electrical), from day one, that they all COULD HAVE gotten, had they discovered what "thinking and feeling" was doing to their highest potential - directly accessing The Mind Of Man (which for them, never was).

This is actually NOT UNKNOWN to many humans, but what is completely UNKNOWN even for them is answering the "in-your-face" QUESTION... "What now, friend? What now?" Simply knowing there is a problem (of sorts), does not mean one instantly has the solution, or even the beginnings of a solution because generally it only leads to more and more inane TALKING ("thinking and feeling"), which perforce leads nowhere.

Now, there are two basic directions one reading this might go - though you can't go in both-at-once, so "Choose well, friend. Choose well." The first is: find out, somehow, what to DO and then DO IT. The other is: find out, somehow, what NOT TO DO and then NOT DOING IT.

The first seems VERY correct, so 99% of "solution-providers" go that route, and teach that route - change diet, meditate daily, pray to god, watch your breathing, exercise daily - and so they get followed by sheeple who don't know any better.

The second seems only possibly correct, if even that, so there are hardly any extant providers at all, for the reason that it always sounds too simplistic like, "Stop Thought", "Look Around", "Awaken", and nobody can actually "do that", certainly NOT as a "regimen".

So, as asked before... "What now, friend? What now?"

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