"Of what?"
Well, that is the question, isn't it? Not of an interrupted (for more than a few days) source of food. Not of becoming homeless any time soon. Not of being ravaged by carnivorous beasts roaming your neighborhood. Not of dying in the next 3 to 7 days. Not of AQ terrorists exploding a dirty bomb on your doorstep. Not even of simply being fired from your current job. Not any of that. Those "fears" are mostly irrational, unless for you they are actually imminent, so instead of wasting time here you should be working diligently to "fix this problem quickly!"
"Of what then?"

Do note, that compared to "all that you had at birth",
what's left is almost nothing!
People are - believe it or not - AFRAID of awakening from their sleep, once they discover for themselves they actually ARE asleep, because they think/believe/imagine that their current lives will be over, somehow "replaced" by something UNKNOWN. Though they are quite correct, they are also quite incorrect. Being asleep is actually like having to walk the hallways of a fairly large house of several floors while the electricity is off, for a life time that is "lived" after sunset and before sunrise. While you can "sort of, just barely" see what's going on, you can not SEE what's really going on, and the first time, the Awakening time, is simply going for a long walk after sunrise on the longest day of the solar year. More is discovered then, than was discovered in all the time that went before.
As most of us are today, our five senses are only partially functioning, as if having blinders on, nose and ear plugs, constraints around our bodies. We "believe" the room in which we are now reading this is "lit up" - either naturally or artificially - and that there are many sounds around - either natural sounds or artificial sounds - and that we are, or certainly can, squirm around in our chair and fiddle with our hair as we read this, but in fact compared to living in The Light, we live in darkness, silence and stillness, but our consciousness "manufactures" a pseudo-reality. Consciousness is not capable of containing or even receiving Actual-Reality, in a similar way that a thimble is too small to contain a beachball, or a bucket is too small to contain a buffalo. Something MUST BE DONE, something must be "expanded", and he that knows what that is, and how that is, can be considered Awake.
After that "long walk," the house-of-many-hallways,
while still exactly as it was before, is now experienced as New,
and the Thrill of the New can never leave one.
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