Friday, September 20, 2013

Awakening and Forget'ning

In the ordinary - the sleeping masses - there are no reminders to AWAKEN (wake up!), first, because they don't know the idea, or can only give lip-service to it, and second, they don't know HOW to AWAKEN.

In the awakened - the awakened few - there are many reminders (almost everything is a reminder), first, because they DO know the idea, and second, they DO know how to awaken.

Of course, the very idea is meaningless, and a pointless line of thought, for the masses - and rightfully so - for there is, at this time in our evolution on this planet, no NEED for it quite yet. (All the wars, and crimes, and other bad things out there is not a REASON.)

Of course, the idea is totally meaningful, and pregnant with highly-energetic potential, for the few - and rightfully so - for there is GREAT NEED for them to push these ideas into their own future, lest they be forgotten entirely on this planet, and there are clearly times past where they were forgotten in all but the VERY VERY FEW.

The Whole External World is pushing reminders into everyone to AWAKEN, but only the nearly-so and actually-so can perceive them... in the rest, they are missed entirely, and are simply causes for more distraction, confusion, and mostly mindless chit-chat. What is necessary is to perceive them, in the moment - "in the room", in your "private internal room" - and make "the effort", and then continue, moment-by-moment, for a very long time. Only those who can and do, are able to discuss all of this with anyone - no matter what their personal history contains - even as their "discussions" might seem, to casual observers, to be ordinary as hell. If someone CAN perceive and understand, they WILL. Those who can't and don't are not able to discuss any of this with anyone, and when they try, their "body" fails them, because their "mind" fails them, and very quickly it all goes to bullshit and losing their own train of thought, and then getting angry... "Oh Bollocks!"

What IS a "long thought?"

It is being AWAKE, totally THERE in the moment, in the room, with all that is around and surrounding one - from the micro/local view of things, to the MACRO/global view of things - such that ANYTHING can be an appropriate "launching point" to awaken, even if only for a few moments - and to discuss the higher, the continuation of the Infinite Comment, the Long Thought, without quickly being dragged down into the lower, which is simply called FORGETTING the "long thought".

WHY are you here?

It is to teach yourself the whys and wherefores and methods and techniques and strategies of your OWN awakening, and then if you are able and willing, to spread the "good word" to your Friends who want to hear/remember about it. As for your other "friends" who either can't, or don't want to hear about it... "fuggedaboutit!"

One will know the difference - between Friends, and "friends" - by their reaction to you and your words. Those who are continually distracted, can't follow along, always complaining about and criticizing YOUR efforts in these regards, never offering anything from their own investigations into these matters, who continually "leave the room", and drift away, "losing the thread", changing the subject while you're in mid-sentence, or -thought, etc. are, or merely may be, "friends" at best. The others are your Friends, and you will know THEM by their "fruits" - which in this context is, or should be OBVIOUS squared.

One does NOT require months and Months, and MONTHS of direct association (meaning talking and discussing these "long thoughts") to determine the usefulness of continuing. Really, a couple, three, or four attempts to actually connect with their "higher parts" will reveal, very clearly, whether there is a "higher potential" there, or whether it's just time to FOLD 'EM. Don't be afraid to FOLD 'EM, no matter who you're dealing with - from family, to friends, to acquaintances, whomever - just DO IT! And Move On, Don. (Now, "fold 'em" doesn't necessarily mean disconnecting from them entirely - doing that has to do with many other things than that which is being discussed herein, and you may WANT them to remain in your life - surely everyone sees that.)

The only people one truly NEEDS in their lives, are those who can remember - at all or most times, and in all or most things external and internal - the "Long Thought of Creation", which of course is: Look Around, Awaken, and Continue observing at a higher and higher (deeper and deeper) level of observation and understanding.
"Always and Everywhere"

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