Friday, March 8, 2013

Watch HOW you think - process versus content

People are made to view the reporting of popular current events, in this all-electronic, internet-all-the-time age, as an opportunity to pick a side, become identified with one side or the other. It's like a continual worldwide falling-out-of-bed - BONK! - and then later wondering "Wha' happened?!"

But someone trying to awaken, to expand their own consciousness, can view it as Life continuously reminding you - like an ever-increasing barrage of infotainment over-stimulation - to watch HOW you think.

A few years ago, the city of Boston was hit by a Cartoon Network publicity ad-campaign consisting of light-boxes placed at several locations in the city like physical viral videos to announce an upcoming movie. ( ) Hearing about the story, the government over-reacted out of fear, which they call duty, thereby stifling their potential higher-intelligence actions. The light-boxes were merely toys that light-up, nothing more, and practically any 13-year old could have cleared up the matter in minutes had one actually been asked for his opinion, but within 24 hours later, the Boston governmental agencies were both very embarrassed, and to "save-face", angry to the point of blaming, damning, and prosecuting. It's obvious how the status-quo thinks. Kind of like falling-out-of-bed - BONK! - and then later wondering "Wha' happened?!"

Is it equally obvious how you think?
Some certainly think so, how about you?

One can watch their thoughts in transit, shifting from one side to another - dragging attention along with it - many times a second, perhaps tens of thousands of times a second at the neuronal level, though that would be hard for one to verify without extremely sensitive electronic equipment. All of this, for the purpose of completing an electrical circuit, which is Life ITSELF Alive, circumnavigating the planet billions of times a second, an electromagnetic field of energy into which every human is right now connected at and by the nervous system.

When the connection is terminated, some "believe" their "consciousness of self" continues, while others know otherwise. The two sides can never in a million years SEE eye-to-eye, and are the two ends of the Life-Sized Neural-Circuit, can you but FEEL... SENSE... the MUSIC. Like an organic global musical instrument playing harmonies to the solar systems' rhythm section.

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