Saturday, March 2, 2013

"Change of Being"

But what do those words even mean?!?

What they don't mean is a personal, mostly anecdotal "report" (often called, "My Story", or "About Me", etc.) from someone that usually states outright: "Yes indeedy, after that strange and wonderful (or awesome to the point of horrible, or magical possibly even mystical, etc.) event, I literally became a "changed person".

Well, their personality may have seemed to change, certainly (though probably not if you actually knew them when), and perhaps some likes and/or dislikes, and/or interests and/or disinterests, may have actually altered to some degree... but their Being has not changed.

Change of Being is not about personality, likes and dislikes etc., but about what one IS NOW compared to what one WAS THEN. It would be more like a Beaver suddenly standing up on two legs and announcing to his brethren that HE ("The Beave", being the current "Headguy") was hereby passing the Torch (his own Flaming Head) to the next - evolutionarily speaking - example of People on Earth, ME (the "New Adam", who heretofore had only an invisible body).

It was not about the Beaver suddenly becoming Human Beaver or anything like that, but more the acquisition of something, and the losing of something that in combination - taken altogether - was the "Bridge to Someone", though no one before that knew whom.

It was then ONLY UP TO THE NEW PEOPLE to self-define and self-describe and self-awaken (to actually BECOME what they now are) in order to reach the next Great Event - being called herein, The Passing of the Torch.

One thing always becomes perfectly PERFECTLY clear in these Great Events: the way the People (of that time) talk about themselves, and think about themselves, dramatically Changes and for that the Being must Change. One could say, People become fully conscious when they know BETTER than to hold onto personal stories of any and all kinds, NOT because there was ever anything wrong, bad, faulty, but because they were in a FOREIGN LANGUAGE and thus, quite inefficient in their presumed intent. That is, "my personal story" (as I would ever tell it you - back in the "good old daze") can NOT BE transferred into your Mind and Being to any extent whatsoever.

This "problem" of translating ("transmitting") ME - via talk - to YOU or ANYONE, is now and always will be the primary stumbling block(s) of which the "Bridge to Someone" is made. The actual CROSSING - not unlike EVOLVING in one lifetime - is the overhaul of one's prior language into a new, heretofore Language of Higher Order of Being.

This "problem" of translating ("transmitting") ME - via talk - to YOU or ANYONE, is now and always will be the primary stumbling block(s) of which the "Bridge to Someone" is made. The actual CROSSING - not unlike EVOLVING in one lifetime - is the overhaul of one's prior language into a new, hereafter Language of Higher Order of Being.

Hint for the aware among you: those who "tell stories" about themselves, talk about themselves for ANY AND ALL reasons, are speaking in a god damned (yes, He Did!) foreign tongue, so no wonder people don't believe them, don't understand them. This is why one must REINVENT the way they talk about their "higher self" (which is EXACTLY what everyone is attempting, of course, but very few Succeed at all!), as that conscious effort CROSSES the Bridge to Someone... (who you were to Who You Are).

(By the way, this entire bit was a Personal Story, and almost all the elements were there, but it is highly unlikely that ANYONE could figure out what happened... and that was the primary intent... to create an imaginary (concealed) "Bridge to Someone", and the Who must always remain quite unknown, until Known.)

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