Saturday, March 9, 2013

On the same page... as if!

People everywhere are always trying to "get on the same page" with other people - which amounts to the belief that, at least they know what you are talking about, even if they don't necessarily agree fully with you. But, the attempt to get in-sync, mentally, seems to be of great importance, certainly when compared to the opposite position a few people have, that they couldn't care less about that. You know, those who in one way or the other become one of the many "always contrary", who may "seem" (to themselves) to know more, or know better than other people, but in reality they have simply fallen into one side, or the other side, of the big old TRAP OF BELIEF.

Ordinary people, routine, common, standard-issue humans, with their ordinary consciousness running their lives, need to feel they are part of something larger, mentally, than themselves (their own minuscule mind), and when it comes to spiritual pursuits, this inevitably means, JOINING something, some cause, some school, some group, some teaching, and being told in detail - with books to support what they are being told - what to think and do, and then to learn to speak like they have gotten it, to "have the jargon down pat". Open confusion for too long is a death knell, and overcoming this confusion is the most important endeavor for a long time.

Independent people, even with their ordinary consciousness running their lives, don't need to feel they are part of anything at all, but only to know the truth of what they seek for themselves.

This characteristic difference between people, has nothing to do with upbringing, education, race, gender, but everything to do with consciousness. Ordinary, waking/walking consciousness, feels separate from all things, and needs to overcome the feelings of separation that results from that, and so many people look for spiritual solutions to their perceived problem.

Of course, there is nothing wrong here - they (ordinary consciousness, ordinary thought) just think that there is, and it's that same ordinary thinking that tells them what they must do about it. But, there never was anything wrong.

Independent people, having never needed to deal with such simplistic "problems", already understand deeply - perhaps it's genetic, or a mutation in their genetics - that there are no "individuals", there is only Life. There is no separation going on anywhere, and wasting a lifetime trying to become part of something "larger than themselves" is pointless, as is trying to get others to get on the same page with you, or you to get on their page - while it may seem like a worthwhile "aim" (in lowercase), if only to the other people, the Independents know, really, that it will never happen - it's not supposed to happen. The real worthwhile AIM (in uppercase) is to remain Independent.

Better to broaden your already partially broadened horizons - learn to SEE more, HEAR more, THINK more about what's going on - and to absolutely FORGET about other people; they don't exist, really, except as fungible "placeholders" anyway (just like you ;^)

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