Friday, March 8, 2013

Intelligently Spiritual - or, is that an oxymoron?

It has always seemed rather strange how it is that so many people can CLAIM to know what is actually going on "out there" (gods, devils, ghosts, conspiracies, esp, magic, aliens, heavens, hells, etc.), without having even a clue as to what is going on "in here". Apparently they don't realize - directly - that the only way one can know anything about the world-at-large (the planet, life on this planet, the solar system, the universe, other universes, quantum worlds), is to know quite a bit about the world-in-small (their head-space, which without that what more is there to talk about, really?).

It does seem, as someone once said, that the less intelligence people have, the more spiritual they are; they seem to fill all the vacant, ignorant spaces in their heads with soul. On the other hand, the more intelligence one has, the less they can be taken in by the bombastic silliness and bullshit the rest of Humanity loves to wallow around in, day-in and day-out for their entire, quite shallow lives.

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