Friday, March 8, 2013

Talk about "oneself"

It is not surprising that people can not "talk about themselves" at all, in one particular sense (their own inner functioning, HOW they think and feel and perceive, that is PROCESS the world), while at the same time can "talk about themselves" often and at length with almost anyone, in another particular sense (likes, dislikes, loves, hatreds, interests, disinterests about OBJECTS in the world). But this situation is so very revealing that it is surprising that people miss it. Even when it is pointed out to them, they usually miss it, and if it is pointed out again, they usually become quite negative. That point - becoming negative - is not surprising AT ALL!

The first sense has nothing whatsoever to do with the objects of the second sense, and the second sense has nothing whatsoever to do with the processes of the first sense.

Consider this: It is always quite surprising that a person, who has at least reached the age of majority, can spend a whole day - a WHOLE DAY, you know, from rising up and out of bed, until flopping back down into it, 12-16 or more hours out there in the world of other "walking-around zombies" just like themselves - TRAPPED (with almost no possibility of escape) inside a brain that senses no pain, hears no sound, sees no light, tastes no flavors, feels no objects - yet has NOTHING to say about their most recent "day in hell" (that is, their internal processing of that day) when asked.

Person A: "Hi, how ya doin? How did your day go for ya?"
Person B: "Oh, ok I guess; same old same old... how about you?"
Person A: "No, really, I want to know what's going on in there."
Person B: generally nothing will be reported, but a quick "change of subject" in order to discuss external objects and events.

This exchange occurs thousands or more times for everyone, yet the occasions where Person B actually has some meaningful, substantial, even quite important realizations to report number in the very few if that. But don't despair, same goes for yourself in your attempts to inquire into your own functioning ("Self, how goes it?"... and then, you know how it goes... NOTHING!), so that is precisely why none of this is surprising.

People are not TAUGHT to inquire directly into their own internal operations, and that is true of their parents, and their parents parents, all the way back through the ancestors. As such, the built-in capacity to See and Comprehend internal functioning is, in effect, "educated out of" all descendants, including you. So, though people are not taught to inquire directly into their own internal operations, when someone actually discovers how to do it, it is like floodgates opening up and revealing sources of New Information containing higher frequency fuel than they may have EVER previously experienced.

By the way, the source of ALL HUMAN PROBLEMS in their dealing with other humans, comes from their INABILITY to trace the source of their thoughts, to get to the bottom of their thinking and feeling. That's why people hate other people: they don't UNDERSTAND how it is that their thoughts spin out in that particular way (into that like or dislike, that belief or disbelief, etc.), though it is generally through bad programming and bad education, for if they did, UNDERSTAND - instantly - they could never hate other people.

"After all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say?" so sayeth, Kitt the Kool Kar, who doesn't do much chit-chat anymore.

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