Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Angel in a Man suit, or Human in a Clown suit?

There are two camps, at virtually opposite ends of the thought-spectrum some might call, "The Higher Quest" (which, as you should know just about covers it).

Those, who upon hearing the insulting question above automatically react with something similar to, "Me, a Clown? How dare you!... I, of course, am an Angel of the highest order, here on Earth to spread the Love." (which response, of course, puts them instantly into the second (Clown) camp, though they could never see that);

AND, Those who already realize with a capital "R" the validity and reality of the second camp, so keep their thoughts at bay and their mouths shut, though perhaps with a gleam in their eye, and a barely perceptible to others upturned corner of their smiling mouth.

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