Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Magic Lawnmower Ride

The Greatest Thrill Ride on Earth!
Better than El ToroMillennium ForceBizarro or Intimidator 305,
even more thrilling than you-name-it, etc., 
and it is - you guessed it, right? - 
Human Body Magic*
*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. A.C.Clarke

The only reason the aforementioned "E-tickets"  are considered that (including all the other kinds, like parachuting out of airplanes, bungie jumping from high span bridges, scaling up the side of vertical mountain faces, you-name-it, etc.), is because the human body, and particularly the human mind, is capable of perceiving that experience, enjoying it immensely, and then living to report it, and even to repeat it, often.

Of course, none of this is possible for most living humans, EXCEPT when participating on these aforementioned thrill rides and experiences. That is, they can't do it for themselves - without the addition of "equipment" - because they don't have access to the Control System. The Control System is located in the brain, primarily, and other places in the body, secondarily, but to coordinate these places requires information and understanding outside ordinary human understanding. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of "methods/techniques/practices" for accessing the Control System, but generally they amount to little more than theories that can't even be tested, let alone actualized for oneself, without someone Holding Your Hand/Mind as the case may be.

So now, what to do, what to do? 
For one thing, start realizing consciously what is going on with you, in you, around you, anyway. For example, just walking to the store - a simple 15 minute excursion into unknown and uncharted territories in this part of the galaxy (in truth) - is like flying, sailing, surfing, skating, truckin', groovin', and any-other-thing you might like, can you but just DO IT. See that?

The mind is more than any Earth-based experience
and it is a shame that more people don't already know this, 
well enough to make use of this knowledge.

The Control System - "levers, switches, dials, wheels within wheels", or put another way, flesh, blood, glands, organs, veins, arteries, cells of all kinds - and the Master Control Program running through it, non-stop, from birth till death, or longer - which is hyper-threaded and neurally-interlinked "programming code, routines, and subroutines" - are beneath the ordinary, everyday, walking-around level of conscious observation possible for most humans - but not IMPOSSIBLE - and that is the secret that must first be dealt with, face-to-face, in order to successfully access, and then later master The Control System.

We will not - ever - bore you with details as to the How's, Why's and Wherefore's of achieving all this, besides simply offering the following: Change Your Mind. And by that phrase, heard so many times before and usually, if not always meaning, "change your opinion, change your theory, change your belief" or something like that, is here meant Change the OPERATIONS of your mind, such that someone is always Awake and In charge, a state that is so rare as to be virtually non-existent in most people for their entire, and quite short life.

If you don't feel yourself actually flying, about 6 feet above ground level, every time you simply arise and walk around - which you most certainly are unless you're a littler person - then change your mind. If you don't feel yourself surfing the planet even as you are sitting there in your seat, chained - as it were - to your computer screen, then change your mind. If you don't feel yourself traveling to unknown places and times, every time you venture out to the physical world, or into the non-physical world, then change your mind.  And finally (for this little bitty ditty here): If you don't feel yourself channeling the Master every time you open your mind, mouth, pen to compose yet another thought, then Change Your Mind!

Get your motor* running, 
head out on the highway*, 
looking for advention* and 
whatever comes on our way*
Born to be Mindful, 
Born to be Mindful.

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