Monday, March 1, 2004

There is no "out there"

Akin to the idea-cum- realization that there is no "out-there", is the realization that, without mind, your normally functioning mind, nothing exists.

All that people talk about - except for the material objects they can touch - refers to "non-existent things", non-things, just energy patterns in flux.

That includes, all talk about "truth", "love", "hate", "conspiracies", and other "non- things" that can't be held in your hand. 95% of the English language refers to non-things, the remaining 5% about physical things you can touch.

Therefore, Waking up, is about becoming constantly aware of the distinction between the inner and the outer, the unreal and the real, the mental and the physical, and Growing Up, is about knowing the difference.

Children, and the insane, can't tell the difference between bunnies that talk to them, and bunnies in the zoo. That's where adults come in - to teach them the difference. Even with that, however, many children NEVER grow out of the incapability to see the difference, and even, in the most bizarro, topsy-turvy way, start believing that external physical reality does not exist, only their internal mental fantasies - like "a man can consciously love", "a man can consciously hate", "there are conscious men behind our civilizations", "men never landed on the moon", "God talks to me", and the inanity goes on and on till they die. They have mechanically externalized their inner chatter to the point, that it becomes more real to them, than chairs, rocks, and waterfalls. But, of course, this is what mind is made to do, supposed to do, because Life made you, and you do what Life makes you do.

In fact, adults with this quirk-of-fate (that may even be genetic), start calling their incapacity, metaphysics, spirtituality, and other terms signifying absolutely unsee-able and untouch-able "things", never realizing they are forever non-things.

From one very specific viewpoint, thinking is the only existing THING in the universe. Just, Thinking, the process: Thinking.

From that, All and Everything unfolds in an unending expansion, from the apparent, original Birth of the flow of energy which is Thinking, to the transient anomaly resident in some scattered througout time and space creatures who can Talk and Listen, and a fewer still with the capacity to distinquish and determine Who's Talking, and Who's Listening, when it's happening.

That is very very very rare.

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