Monday, March 1, 2004

The Fourth Way

The Fourth Way, as it is manifesting in life today - intellectually, by those who to themselves, profess to be "followers" - is primarily engaged in resolving the fact, intellectually, that the system presents the world as particles: bodies, things, the Newtonian and Einsteinian views of _things_. Smaller than the particle, the Fourth Way never even attempts to go - because, for one thing, quantum mechanics were not fully fleshed out until AFTER Gurdjieff and Ouspensky wrote all their books. All the extant maps and diagrams, at best, only infer the idea of sub-atomic scales, but do not detail that world, nor seem to realize the connection between the paradoxically dissimilar views of Reality. As if, the only level worth trying to understand, is the sensory view obtainable by the body and it's Life-given parts (blood, bones, organs, nervous system, brain).

The demonstration of this, is it's description of the most basic element in the Universe, as the "atom" - carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen - and the Tables, and Maps, are all entirely consequent of that paradigm.

Today, we know, that sub-atomically, things do not exist at all. Life is a bunch of probability patterns of interconnections - energies on the move. Probability patterns all schmeared out across the filmic surface of the plenum, each reaching out to connect to other interconnections, which are reaching out to still other interconnections.

The energy which drives the human intellect, is not static, stable, or definable, per se, but is a process seeking to be "on the move". Thinking with energy alone, has the effect of removing periods, question marks, exclamation points, nouns, pronouns, adjectives and other qualifiers, and - to be honest - is the most pleasurable form of thinking man can achieve.

To describe it one more way, it's the process of thinking without revealing "me".

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