Monday, March 1, 2004

The outer and the inner

There are two halves to the brain - the left and right hemispheres. These are the male and female parts of the brain - speech on the left, emotions on the right. Everybody needs to develop their right brain, and there's a way to do this by concentrating on the left. Believe it or not.

But, the male and female parts are coordinated differently with respect to the drive that draws them together. It is much like sex in the physical world.

If a beautiful naked woman approaches a horny man of any type, he won't usually be able to resist. But, if a naked horny man approaches a women of any type, she will usually resist him.

Man are drawn to naked women for sex, like moths to a light bulb. Women resist naked horny men trying to screw them, like cats from big dogs.

The male part of the brain, is the talking/thinking part of the brain, and the female part of the brain, is the feeling/sensing part of the brain, and the two halves are in a, hate to use it but here it goes, mobius twisted relationship with each other - the one irresistibly attracted to the other, while the other uncontrollably resistant.

To put it grossly, cave men ran around looking for women to forcibly rape, and women ran around trying to keep from being raped, and the two twisted creatures are still engaged in the same activity today, EXCEPT that culture, civilization, laws act as an "external decelerator" - without which, they'd never actually come together, so important for the expansion of the species.

The inner drive for Sex, is the same as the inner drive to Think - but only the first is actualized in the physical world. The second must be actualized in the mental world.

That, dear friends, is a key, could you but use it.

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