Sunday, March 14, 2004

Having a good day.....or not.

People everywhere talk about "having a good day", or "having a bad day", but when they say that, what are they really talking about? There are almost always talking about their first, external life, and not their second, inner life.

The connection between the two lives, is felt or experienced, in pleasure and pain, and all the dualisms describing man's ordinary experience of being alive. Having a good day, or having a bad day.

People rarely realize that having a bad day in their first life - you know, the car breaks down on your way to that great job interview -keeps them from having a good day in the second life, whereas having a good day in their second life, obviates the need for feeling one way or the other about their first life - it becomes irrelevant.

The more one knows about one's first life, changes nothing with regard to their knowing about the second life - the first adds nothing to it, and they remain completely ignorant of it. However, the more one knows about their second life, the more they know about their first life and then some. In fact, an all-knowing second life creates their first life, and they know it.

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