And then, while all these disparate languages and dialects were circulating the planet (and the brains of men) - like great swarms of different insect species, subspecies, sub-subspecies, etc., all with different, sometimes almost unintelligible "songs to sing" - I suggest, EVERYTHING changed, and NOT for the better. Writing "dumbs down" intelligence between peoples - in a particular way, by revising the language used, so as to appeal to those of little education or intelligence - while at the same time increasing the development of technologies, civilizations, institutions, laws and of course "prisons" (of the body AND mind... like Religions, Philosophies, Psychologies, and Sciences.)
So... writing is not "bad" for the evolution of the species,
but it is "bad" for the evolution of the individual.
(Yes, this does require further explanation!)
Writing is fine as far as it goes, but the next level of SPEAKING is where one needs to reach (since, unbeknownst to the VAST majority of humans (97+%), we have only recently "just arrived" at the speaking level of the ANIMAL world, which is characterized by a continual stream of unverified "attitudes, opinions, and beliefs," a.k.a.: Fake news.
And what always happens with these "clouds of war"?
You guessed it. WARS.
Apparently, we need to stay at this lower level (where we are today - chit-chatting and arguing on Fakebook and Twitter and face-to-face) in order to "gather" all the drive and facility we can muster, in order to eventually "rise/ascend" to the Speaking Level of the HUMAN world, which is characterized by "personally verified facts and illuminated realizations," a.k.a.: New Information.
And what always happens with these "pearls of wisdom"?
You guessed it. WISDOM.
Thought - which, of course, is the movement of neural energy - comes first, only taking seconds, or parts-of-seconds, if that, and THEN the speaking and/or writing may follow, which could take hours, days, even years to "get right", in the sense of telling the "whole story" (until the "next update"). But, how does one KNOW? Or, KNOW anything? Because, though the entire thought may have only taken a second, or a few seconds, to be truly "completed" requires much more time - relatively speaking - and only then can it be recorded as completely as possible... for the moment, until the "next update". Then it can even be communicated to others.If a person can't put down in writing what they actually think, then they don't KNOW what they think... revealing to one, that a "break" has occurred and it is very hard to recover from that as the gap only grows more expansive through the years. (How many times have you had a "Great", "Terrific", "Enlightening" thought, and within mere minutes it was lost to you, forever?) People are talking ALL THE TIME - mostly in their heads, and outside their heads as well - but they are saying nothing 99+% of the time. That's because the break between thinking and writing has occurred, and was never "Fixed Or Repaired Daily" - being an absolutely required process, that needs to be initiated in one, and continued for a life time.
("FORD": the most famous of the car acronyms, in case you missed it.)
Say (or Think) your thought(s) first, into the "canyon of the mind", and once you can say/think it, then you will know what you Think, and then you can write it, and one ought to write every day if possible (to fix or repair, as necessary, the break) as that keeps the "bridge" open, and the energy flowing. The wider the bridge, like a water pipe, the more energy can flow. (Note: why do you think certain people in history were so very much MORE prolific in their written output than the rest of humanity? Answer: they HAD TO PRODUCE, like any real artist HAS TO PRODUCE.)
Just a thought, and this one only took a second or so.
Such is, the Speaking Level of Humans.
and there are pitifully few extant examples!
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