If not, here it is: Ordinary humans - the great 99% - are incapable of VERIFYING news of any kind, particularly about the world-at-large, of which they are not directly able to track details to the necessary nth degree, but also the world-in-small they SHOULD be able to track (it's between their ears, after all!), but don't know how. In particular, the "soft kind" of information - psychological, philosophical, religious, political, etc. - is totally UNVERIFIABLE the first time it is heard or read, UNLESS one has personally discovered or invented or created that knowledge for oneself.... by their own efforts... but again, they don't know HOW. And yes, one can "invent" and one can "create" information, but that too requires knowing HOW.
So, how is fake news dangerous?
As an obvious example in the world-at-large: Just look at America, right now. The STATE/MEDIA pushes the narrative IT wants out to the masses (via TV, radio, Internet, etc.) who eat it up like it actually tastes good. Of course, there are some few humans who GAG on it... and rightfully so!
As an obvious example in the world-in-small: Just look at yourself, right now. The BRAIN/MIND pushes the narrative IT wants out to you (via books, transcripts, audios, videos, etc.) and you eat it up like it actually tastes good. Of course, there are some few I's that GAG on it... and rightfully so!What is going on here? Obviously, the ordinary human brain is constructed - by design and plan from "above", or cause and effect from "below" - to immediately AGREE or DISAGREE with whatever the language circuits "decode" (usually incorrectly, as it turns out) from, primarily, the sound and light waves that presented the information to your hearing (as in the sound in your head right now) and/or your reading (as in this very post.) THAT IS VERY DANGEROUS, because once some information, of any kind - but particularly the "soft kind" (unlike the "hard kind", like instructions to tear down and rebuild a Holley 4-barrel carburetor) - is taken for True and/or Correct, or False and/or Incorrect, it is difficult to change the mind on one's own. Even if your best friend, mate, spouse or date has alternative views, or (eeek!) opposing views, it is still very hard to change the mind.
Thus, such hapless humans are stuck living in an UNREALITY of their own (brain's) making! And, furthermore, they can't really be helped by the external application of simple logic, any more than a lifelong drunk can get permanently sober by being PREACHED to before they have already "hit rock bottom", and even then don't count on it happening. (It would be like turning a "Never Trumper Schumer" into an "Always Trumper Schumer"... yeah, like that could ever happen!)
Now, for the paragraph that will either get this author kicked out, or banned, or worse - laughed out of the clique, the "in crowd"... it's happened before... honestly. Groups of humans who are following - either publicly or privately - a "psychological system", and/or a "philosophical system", and/or a "religious system", or a "whatever-they-call-it-today" simply can NOT hear alternative viewpoints about THEIR "thing", especially when the viewpoint is specifically "If you haven't figured all this stuff out yet, you NEVER WILL," followed by the kicker: "Come on, it's just not that complicated!"
Humans stumble horribly on their use of language and it keeps them treading water for a lifetime, and they fumble even worse when reading and/or hearing the words of other humans. Language is the issue, Words are the issue. And their endless, sometimes insufferable penchant for arguing over the meaning, sense and significance of those words and getting bogged down in interminable discussions that usually go nowhere. Words, themselves, are a hindrance when not used rightly. BUT, they are like jet-fuel in a rocket-car when applied rightly to any situation.
When you come to a "stumbling block in the road" ("which way should I go, what should I believe?"), don't just stand there and ruminate and wonder and ask poorly constructed questions of all those standing there beside you doing the same thing (like on a Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Twitter forum), THINK FAST and "jump over" it, or "go around" it, or "EAT" it, by first realizing what the blockage IS. Imagine trying to tell, oh I dunno, a fourthway person, or a buddhist person, or a scientology person, or a christian person, or a jewish person, or a muslim person, that their system IS the stumbling block in the road. They won't hear a word of it, and will become angry or upset (and in some cases hit you, or kill you) if the matter is pursued, which is tantamount to turning and running away.
These stumbling blocks are What and How you think about the apparent (only, because it's not real) stumbling block. What all these blockages are, are "energy pellets" and they can be EATEN... when you know HOW.
Remember Pac-man? Pac-Men awaken in a few months give or take a year or so. Humans usually never do. They just talk, and talk, and talk, and argue, and get frustrated, and ask silly questions, and get even more confused, while trying desperately to convince themselves they are still "on the road to find out" .
Unfortunately, perhaps, most humans remain
right where they originally became Blocked.
right where they originally became Blocked.
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