Talking and thinking about "this stuff" is like having sex - and,
then there's the problem of premature ejaculation. You climb on and
start pumping away, and perhaps you have an enlightening thought, and it
explodes into an orgasm of awareness, consciousness, understanding, and
then, just like in physical sex, for moments, hours, days, you don't
even want to remember it, let alone talk about it, or think about it.
Maybe that's what premature ejaculation is - in the brain - you get to a
point that you don't want to think about this stuff anymore because it
'brings you down' from where you know you are when orgasmic. Talking to
others about personal realizations seems to eventually confront the
question of 'why are you doing this? Why are you talking to these people
about this?'
People who talk about this stuff, with their friends, in 'work
groups', email-lists, newsgroups - and there are THOUSANDS of 'em - are
engaged in public mental masturbation, with premature ejaculation being
the desired, though unknown, culmination of the event.
Why do I's talk to themselves, and with other people anyway? Reacting
to the external world, is I's talking to other I's. There is no out
there, consisting of people and things, withwhich your internal I's are
conversing. I's are simply talking to themselves - always and everywhere
- and "you" are simply, painfully, eavesdropping. If you're trying to
exit a large apartment complex, and one of the closest gates is blocked
off, and you're forced to go to the other gate - way out of your way -
it is only because of the knowledge, first - of that first gate - and
second - that it could have been open for you, but wasn't, that caused
your inner I to react to it, possibly negatively - complaining about the
apartment manager or something. (If there was no gate there that you
knew about, then you'd have no prior expectation, and would just drive
past that spot unperturbed.)
What causes the I's to talk to each other? If there is nothing going
on for consciousness to consider, and nothing is presently 'known', then
the I's will have nothing to react to. If you drive to the first gate,
and can keep from 'knowing' it is not open (effectively, is NOT there)
you can sail right past it without a reaction.
What does it take for the I's to talk to one another? The 3rd force
in that triad is knowledge. There must be the knowledge of other words,
for words to react to them. But there is no, True knowledge or False
knowledge - just 'the knowledge of'.
You cannot put pen to paper, without there being a conversation in
your own head. One I doesn't talk, two can talk to each other and speak
and write. It is one thing to have conscious thoughts, quite another to
speak them, because consciousness does not want to speak them because
it's tantamount to sleep.
Perhaps, one has got to be like the Kama Sutrans, and hold back the
ejaculation/orgasm. Just as there is 'running', in the moving center,
that will effectively 'stop thought', there is also 'running', in the
intellectual center, that will do the same. But, like a comic
trampoliner, there is also 'running off at the mouth on purpose'. Not
letting the lesser I's gain a foothold, nor a word in edgewise.
If being a terrific, world-class, trampoline artist is (a form of)
"Art", then is a comic, clown-trampoliner (you've seen 'em - they can
hardly mount the damn thing, yet perform all the same stunts as the
'expert', but with a comic twist - trip-ups, slips and falls - full of
intentional inexactitudes leading to frequent, apparently painful, small
calamities), a 'sham'? In truth - both are equally skilled, and the
comic MAY even be MORE skilled! Both can perform the same routines. Yet,
one can add the intentional 'errors' and, this being the interesting
part, LIVES to trampoline another day.
It is quite known by ordinary people, that it takes as much, if not
more talent, to parody a 'serious work', without killing yourself, than
to perform it seriously - straight. Comic trampoliners, comic
high-divers, comic-brahmabull riders, comics and comedians in general -
do something WELL and then add a twist of comedy making the end-result
appear faulty, or less than the more serious thing it parodies.
But, the comic KNOWS the real truth. Appearing the buffoon to the world, he actually surpasses all.
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