Monday, November 24, 2014

Minnows or Sharks?

(Perhaps a companion to: "Flightless or Soaring?")
Having moved away almost entirely from all these, somewhat stale, and oh so similar watering-holes (fishing-ponds) with the prevailing conclusion that, either the bait was wrong or the fisherman inept, it was decided during our last "hangout" to revise the bait and see what happens. At the end of the, quite typical for us, 3 hour meeting, all proclaimed: "Boy oh boy, it's another b.o.y!"  which has occurred so frequently over the last few months, usually just a wink, and a nod suffices. Of course, that is code not for this particular water-hole, but the still-standing fishermen, though there may be found the code-breaker somewhere down below, so keep alert little fishies, keep alert.
That is, Be Alert outside of your school of sameness,
if you really expect to See something NEW.
There is a phenomenon known to some called, "mind-blown!" or even "spaced-out," which has been suggested elsewhere has nothing to do with being "dopey" or "out of touch" (as in being too high on drugs to know what's going on.) Originally, it referred to a state of extreme lucidity in which consciousness expanded and time itself was perceptible as another dimension, which was either the result of, or synonymous with this expansion of consciousness. Thus the "space" being referred to was the perception of an additional dimension, which seemed somehow intrinsically spacial, yet distinct from normal space - thus "time" - as the "spaced-out," or "mind-blown" ones were now operating outside of time, or had expanded their now, or were partially in the next dimension above time, sometimes even referred to as eternity. Hey, it works for me - often, every week, and then some - and is certainly worth considering during YOUR next "hangout" (if you ever make it to one, that is, even as your chances for finding or creating one are dwindling day by day.)

Who knows, one or more of you might 
actually proclaim your time together as:
"Boy oh boy, it's a b.o.y!"
(having discovering what a "B.O.Y." actually IS!)

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