Everything about the external world (real and imaginary), including what seems to be going on inside your skin as you know it (real and imaginary), is ultimately about the Mind - the same mind that can and just did write this sentence and the same mind that is reading it for the first time now, and the same mind which can comprehend the general meaning and almost automatically produce some kind of comment - (your comment goes here) - and then we (our Minds) can discuss it if we are so inclined.
This is not true of non-humans, of course, and this should be obvious to all those who can understand such things. Non-humans do not have a mind, even as some more highly evolved do have a brain (even if it is tiny and rudimentary.) For non-humans, the external world is all there is and all there can be. Period.
Animals are not moved to go to war with others of their kind, or even other species just because they don't have the same body type, markings, or vocal sounds. Their extremely low-level form of war - when it does occur, which is extremely rare since "flight" usually prevails over "fight" - is all about defending themselves from a purely instinctive motivation. Minds are not necessary for this at all. Humans, on the other hand, engage in many sophisticated forms of war, and they have been doing this for several thousand years. Why? The Mind, of course (which is the newest part of the nervous system - higher up - though quite often with considerable influence from the oldest parts of the nervous system - lower down.) The same Mind that just completed this sentence you are now reading and comprehending. Simple.
Humans - having a Mind, even if tiny and rudimentary - have the unique ability to "eat the world" and then digest it, transform it, and reproduce/represent it inside the virtually unlimited confines of the Mind - i.e., their neural landscape, i.e., Words and Memories. When very young, the internal world is infinitesimally small, compared to the external world which is infinitely large. When older, the internal world is much larger and the external world is much smaller. By the time one is in their late teens or so, their internal world is much larger than the external world, and when quite old - past 45 or so - their internal world is many times larger than the external world, which, by that time, may only consist of a handful of stores, gas stations, neighborhoods, theaters, bars, and a few other places, while their internal world includes galaxies, stars, planets, oceans, mountains, countries, states, cities, buildings, institutions, stories, scripts, movies, tunes, and countless (well, very hard to quantify) other places, people, animals and things including detailed descriptions and memories of personal encounters with each of them. The paradigm shift is due to the Evolving Mind - the Ultimate Mystery, to say the very least - i.e., the Black Box that everyone "has" (by a certain age,) but no one completely understands, or even needs to if you want to know the truth (which is the ordinary definition of a black box.)
Since EVERYTHING about human life is
ultimately about the Infinite Mind, and
NOT about the large world
Higher Teachings point there first and forever.

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