Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Looking for "inspiration"

Where do most people nowadays go for "inspiration"? That's easy. The Internet, TV, Radio, and sometimes, if they absolutely must, physical books. But there is another place, a better place, and most have no idea where it is.

What IS a better (if not actually the BEST) place? That's obvious. Behind your eyeballs, and between your earholes, at a place that only you can know when you eventually DO KNOW IT, if ever. Until then, most people look out there for something to cause their thoughts and feelings to fire up to the degree they can even be noticed above the general background noise that is typical for people in this century.

Look to yourself. The background noise that has been going on all day long, up to this very moment, can't even be remembered in detail, even though it happened... TO YOU, and, even if there was someone holding a gun to your head demanding answers: "At 10.45 a.m. this morning, what were you thinking, and what were you feeling?" You see (if you are properly HONEST, as too few ever are or even can be), it is all just like soapy water down the drain during one's daily shower. You don't notice the droplets of falling water and soapy bubbles - nor should you, it's totally unnecessary - and you don't notice the flailing thoughts and soupy feelings - but you should, you absolutely should.

Why should you or anyone bring more attention to their moving thoughts and feelings? For the same reason one should bring more attention to their movements in the external world. PLUS - and more importantly, and interestingly - there is INSPIRATION there. Hell, there is inspiration EVERYWHERE can you but notice it, unlike that which passes for such out there in the world of Internet/TV/Radio/and most/all books, which - if you can notice this at all - are all After-The-Fact reports from somebody else, rather than - more importantly, and interestingly - In-The-Moment observations/realizations from yourself. That is, they are YOURS.

Inspiration of a certain kind - and one could even say, the Best Kind - always leads to action, and the movement of energy into and around the "point" (a very variable and expandable thing) being observed. Time slows down - sometimes a little, sometimes a lot - so that something New (for You) can actually be seen (thought, felt, sensed) that is usually missed and not even noticed.

Do you know WHY you didn't write something on YOUR BLOG (or wherever you would do that) today, or yesterday, or the day before, etc.? Do you know WHY you can't carve out 10 minutes of "quiet time," "intentional thinking/feeling time" - at least DAILY - to find something New (for You) and then Activate Yourself in that particular way? Do you know WHY - instead, as usual, ho hum... - you respond with such silliness as, "Oh, I could do it if I wanted to, but I don't want to... I have better things to do!" Like, but not limited to, scouring the Internet, watching TV, listening to the Radio, reading my current book, and updating my Facebook Status... yada, yada, yada.

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