Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Teaching the "Good Stuff"

(Versus, Throwing out flares)

Nobody can teach The Good Stuff  to another person. All they can do - and only when they know HOW TO DO IT - is to throw out flares. These flares act as en-lighten-ers over the totally-in-darkness landscapes, which are the un-activated and un-populated areas of the upper ends of the nervous system between your ears. (If that sounds confusing, re-read it: imagine a plane overhead at night, and flares being thrown out over the plain far below where the people are.)

Consider: there is NOTHING that is not already known by EVERYONE - literally, nothing, and literally, everyone. That is, the entire history of mankind - all the way back to the Real (or is he Imaginary?) Adam, and forward to the Real (or are you Imaginary) [your-name-goes-here] - has been written on your genes, or, put another way, wired into your nervous system.


And this is a big However, because almost no one KNOWS what they know, because it's all virtually 100% forgotten by the age of about 14 or so, and for very specific, though quite unknown but KNOWABLE reasons. (Knowable, once the en-lighten-ing gets, let's say, ramped up.)

All People must be reminded of it first - usually by someone else, though sometimes, even a book will suffice - BEFORE they can realize what they already knew. When that "realizing" occurs - the Special Realizing - it's kind of like getting a joke that you realize AT THE TIME, you could never have gotten at any time before that. This "getting it" - the Special Getting It - reveals what the FLARE actually is, and how the FLARE actually works, and suddenly - like a bolt of lightning out of the blue - the machine is operating rightly, even if only for a few moments.
To suggest this is a Big Deal, 
is a Big Understatement!!

Now, one finds/discovers that one can begin to speak about this to some degree - but not until then. No sooner than that day should they even attempt speaking about it, lest they pollute/corrupt what they already know (that which was wired into their nervous systems by Life giving birth to you), with all the shit from Life's "teachers without a clue" (and most of Life's "teachers" are seriously without a clue!)

Anytime you come across a self-styled teacher of the "Good Stuff", run, don't walk in the other direction.

What you and everybody needs 
are Flare-Throwers, 
who know what they're doing, 
and will do it!

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