Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dancing Elephants (in the room)

Why do people who are already "more awake than the average" (whatever that means, eh?) spend more time, mentally and emotionally, considering and pondering "whatever that means?" Eh?

That is, they quite likely spend very little time trying to fix the solar system, fix the planet, fix the country, fix the government, fix the political parties, fix the religions, fix the city they live in, fix nature that surrounds them, and the big one... trying to fix other people, including themselves? Eh?

This, of course, should be quite obvious, once the question is asked - and you just read it, so there IS some degree of mentation occurring whether you want it to or not... (just like when you read, "visualize an elephant wearing a pink tutu dancing across the stage on hind legs.")

There is a reason, and it is illuminating to those who first discover it without having to be told it. (Getting the joke is always more fun than having it explained.) The ordinary, average, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard-issue bunch roaming this planet - whether they made it beyond their senior year of MIT, or they just barely got into their freshman year of high school and then dropped out - believe, with conviction, that they personally can CHANGE things out there in the world. They believe this, because they think it is true because they have evidence of things changing out there. However, they are sadly mistaken. Yes, things change. But that change has much less to do with human activity, than forces which are much larger than they can even perceive.

The only change that a person should entertain (after getting healthy so as to forget about it), is regarding their amount and degree of Consciousness and Awareness they can maintain during any given 24 hour day. In this, one does have a certain amount of influence, based upon their own research into the matter, experimentation with methods, invention and discovery of new information, and appropriate application of all of that, without FORGETTING everything the next morning, and having to start back at the beginning... which inevitably means, not starting again at all.

For example, if a person finally discovers - after so many years - that chit-chatting about nonsense with other people who CLAIM to be in contact with some kind of "higher knowledge", leads one into greater and greater confusion, and then, makes a New Plan to "go it alone for awhile, if not a great while", and then pursues that plan diligently, very likely they will discover that WRITING - often, if not more often - reveals MUCH MORE about the subjects, topics, areas of interest that most entertain them regarding the Primary Motivation - increasing the amount and degree of Consciousness and Awareness they can maintain during any given 12-hour day. 

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
(is said to derive from the very widely held, and not entirely erroneous, belief that 
pipe-smoking and meditation - considering and pondering - go together)

Here's some smoke from the pipe: it's much better to give BIRTH to your own understanding, than to PUKE-UP the presumed "understanding" of someone else. For the most part, all human speech and writing is nothing more than bits and pieces of other people's thoughts and ideas, but that usually leads NOWHERE (Oh, out in life, where the masses live, it is the NORM, so go for it! But, regarding the kinds of topics that interest those who are already "more awake than the average", not so much!). Leave your Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, Instagram, Myspace, Yahoo and Google groups, and all the other kinds of mass-marketed mind-numbers you frequent, for ONE FULL MONTH at least, and use that time saved to Start and Maintain your OWN BLOG - Blogger and Wordpress are the best/easiest - and see what YOU CAN DO, without crutches on your eyes, ears, arms, hands, fingers, and higher ends of your amazing - but quite underutilized - Nervous System (where you think, talk, write.)


Oh yeah, and one more thing - FORGET about followers, and people falling all over themselves to read you, talk to you, mention you, and spread your word around the 'Net.

Just Do It 
(write your own Newly Birthed Understandings
for the effort, and pleasure of DOING IT.

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