Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Tattoes on the brain

There was guy who was so sure he was "right about things", so sure he had "seen the light", that he decided to have his thoughts tattoed on his brain, so as never to forget them even when confused or in the dark. The idea was sound, he found someone to perform the operation, he picked out the color scheme and chose the appropriate font, and when the day and hour finally approached he entered the clean room wherein the performance was to occur.

First they removed the top of his skull in order to expose the yards and yards of tightly furrowed gray matter whereupon the designs were to be engraved, and while the surgeons were unfolding the folds in order to begin the intricate process, they discovered a both horrifying and yet exhilarating sight that caused the entire team of artists and surgeons to gasp and shudder at the thoughts that quickly swarmed in their own minds.

Deep beneath one of the folds, behind a particularly hard to unfurl swath of yardage, one of the surgeons discovered a deeply imprinted serial number, about 17 digits long, in perfectly readable roman numeral characters: I, V, X, L, C, D, and M.

Well, the silence was so thick, you could have heard a gnat burp, as their faces went absolutely white with amazement, fear, excitement, and horror, when suddenly, before the pink came back into any of their faces, could be heard perhaps the loudest peal of laughter ever heard on this planet.

Then, believe it not, they all died of heart failure.

The end.

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