Tuesday, March 15, 2005


If there's one thing humans can be absolutely counted upon doing, it is bleeding profusely when cut, which has even been immortalized in a famous line that goes, "If you prick me, do I not bleed?" as if, claiming to be human - and supporting it with proof - is such a great thing. Yes, Mr. Shylock, humans bleed when cut - so what? What's your point? Dogs do it, Cats do it, Cows do it, Sheep do it.

There's another thing humans can be counted upon not doing, and that is stopping the bleeding once it has started. Apparently, the flow is pleasurable to them, and to stop the flow would be just too unbearable to consider, so bleed they do, from birth till death, a slow, oozing bleed, from many and daily increasing number of cuts, so that humans have sort of a pinkish-reddish glow around them, which also emanates heat and a dull, almost freakish light.

Makes a pretty sickening picture doesn't it?
Makes me laugh. I wonder why.
Perhaps because I'm angry, or sick. Who cares?
At least I've stopped bleeding.
At least the glow has subsided.

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