There is nothing like a worldwide BFD to bring out the two halves of humanity - the "I'm for it"'s and the "I'm against it"'s - in fact, the way these BFD's are reported, is calculated (not by the reporters, of course, who are clueless, but by the brains which inhabit the heads of the reporters) to divide humanity into one or the other camp.
WHY?? Ask yourself about this, without instantly smartassing, or wiseacring about it.
It would seem that Life, which is behind all BFD's, wants mankind to talk about which side they are on, and when they don't KNOW which side they are on, they are literally FORCED (by a microphone being shoved in your face - or someone asking you >>the question<<) to make a decision, and state their decision/position, internally and even externally.
WHY?? What could Life possibly be gaining - and make no mistake, Life always gains in these transactions - by forcing humanity to take a position, and state it publically (first for themselves to know 'what I think', and second so others will know), knowing (as it surely does) that which ever side is taken is absolutely irrelevant - neither side is, nor can be, "correct" or "incorrect", "better" or "worse", "right" or "wrong", not certainly to Life.
It doesn't make a bit of difference that Schiavo finally died, or my brother finally died, or your sister finally died, or you finally die - not to Life (there are more than enough "yous" to go around - to get the bigger job done) - but to the rest of humanity, it appears to make some difference, but perhaps, it doesn't make enough difference to humanity to naturally "force" a comment about it (that is, going back into mankind's talking history, to jump start his talking consciousness, his ability to talk at all which carries forward even into today.)
Perhaps, Life somehow realized that DEATH, and especially the death of the near-and-dear was a viable way, callou callay, oh frabjous day, to jump start the consciousness of man out of it's natural, silent, physical-only state of human consciousness, to the next evolutionary level of talking consciousness we all know so well today.
However, oddly enough, once that level of consciousness had been reached - those many thousands of years ago - Life >>seems<< to have stopped right there, stopped SHORT!!! of going further, into the next level of consciousness only a few know, and fewer are willing to discuss publically.
For example, bringing all this right down into the present day, which side do YOU fall on? Are you on the side that approves entirely of the way Terry was handled, tubes withdrawn, allowed to starve to death... finally for chrissakes!, or, do you fall on the side that heartily DISapproves of the way she was mis-handled, OR...
Yup, that's the keyword there... OR
Now, how would you describe to yourself that third position, you now claim you in your presumptive enlightened understanding have obtained/ reached?
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