Thursday, March 3, 2005


Humans have become thoroughly and completely seduced by their language, and that seduction - by a "beast" which did not even need to seduce them, being perfectly able to fuck them at will - has caused and does continue to cause all the confusion that runs rampant on this planet today, yesterday, and the day before that...while they remain oblivious.

Humans are like, oh I don't know, monkeys that woke up one morning and opened their mouths to welcome the morning with their hoots and whistles and yowls and calls, and suddenly discovered they had a new voice - to them both sweet sounding yet shudderingly scary - as they knew not from where it emerged.

After a short while, minutes perhaps, maybe as much as an hour or two, it became quite clear - at least to a few of them - that the new voice was coming from inside their own heads, and that shocking realization engendered a sense of "love", also quite new to them, as well as it's counterpart, "fear/hate", each of which terms had yet to be discerned as distinct from the general background noise their new voice had now become.

As the process now developing between their ears became more and more efficient, many more words - and their attendant feelings - arose in these previously dumb beasts, and they were now able to share the results of this mental/emotional activity with their group.

Within a very short time, all the concepts their species were even capable of hearing in their heads, were heard, shared, and - after the day's work of gathering food, eating it, fucking each other whenever possible, and sleeping were not taking center stage -discussed.

Since then, even until the present day, the thoughts in their heads -older than any of them could possibly imagine - continue to amaze, and confuse them, being as they are more wonderful than any sexual partner, right up there with food, rest, and fucking. Talk is now, and has been for thousands of years, the fourth S (along with sustenance, shelter, and sex), speech.

Humans - those talking apes in this factual story (like it or not, argue with it or not, agree/disagree with it or not) - owe their general state of mass confusion and mass delusion, to their being so enamored of, and distracted by the language (the words, the ideas, the concepts), that it blinds them to what is actually going on - how it happened, how it's still happening - and it will continue to blind them because there is almost no possible way to get free from their "beloved" short of an intentional prefrontal lobotomy. This meta-whore, language - again, who no longer even needs to seduce them, being perfectly able to fuck them AT WILL - is paid, and must be paid, in blood.

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