Having an opinion on what is going on out there and in here, even a strong opinion, is not a bad thing except when there is "too much invested" therein. It's quite like having all your eggs in one basket (and then you trip and fall, and there goes breakfast, lunch AND dinner... oh, damn!)
Consciousness is like that. It's a very fragile thing when fully invested - compared to Identification, which is like a bunch of rocks surrounded by hard places, or like a group of life term cellmates in a large maximum security prison. Rocks, surrounded by Hard Places. (Not a fun place. Hell, perhaps?)
Consciousness is free to roam, and roam it most certainly will - at the least provocation and then it is gone - but Identification hangs around, like a bunch of older relatives that are just a little "off their game", or worse... sitting around, arguing over who is WORSE, Trump or Clinton, Cruz or Palin, Bush or Obama, Manning or Brady, Hitler or Stalin, Gates or Jobs, Mexicans or Muslims, "My God" or "Your God", Rug-rats or Teeny-boppers, and on and on and on to infinity. (Not a fun time. Hell, perhaps?)
Consciousness can't be grasped, or clutched, or held on to - like a loved one you can't stand to be without (we all know about that identification) - or even easily extended, though it can be done. Identification however, sticks to one like white on rice, and once stuck, it is very difficult to separate the White from the Rice, without discoloring the White, or destroying the Rice.
Bottom Line: if you want to know more about either of these predicaments of being born a human in the Aristotelian logical sense, there are many ways to proceed, but proceed one must, or perish. And be assured, Humans, in general, perish before their time... Super-Humans, the somewhat rarified higher form, have another fate.
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